Speculation or not, Starlin Castro's mental health is none of your damn business

Jesse Spector

Speculation or not, Starlin Castro's mental health is none of your damn business image

Things are going pretty well for the Cubs. They did lose on Wednesday, to fall a half-game behind the Giants in the race for the National League’s second wild-card spot, but Chicago went 5-1 on a road trip to Milwaukee and Pittsburgh, and Joe Maddon’s team returns home for a four-game showdown with San Francisco that will have a major impact on the playoff race going forward.

So, let’s see what the Chicago Sun-Times is writing about the boys from the North Side…

Starlin Castro (Getty Images)

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Speculation or not, Cubs’ Starlin Castro has no plans to seek ADD diagnosis

Uh-oh. The alternative to speculation is fact, and if there were facts present, speculation about whether there’s speculation would not be necessary. So, we’re going to be dealing with speculation. Speculation about a player's mental health.

“It’s called attention deficit disorder, or ADD,” the article begins.

Uh-oh again. It’s called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. It has been for a quarter-century. The article does go on to refer to “ADD/ADHD” and then ADHD, straight-up, but we’re clearly going in without medical expertise on display. So, it’s not just going to be speculation, but reckless speculation.

“Throughout Castro’s career, mental lapses, moments of lost focus and inexplicable errors on routine plays have raised speculation among fans, scouts and even some in his organization — including the clubhouse — that he has a form of the common disorder.”

This is presented with zero evidence, just as fact that there has been speculation — about something that is nobody's business but Castro's unless he decides himself to make it a public issue. Even an unattributed quote from a “source” would lend this some legitimacy. Perhaps a medical expert could be quoted. There is none of this. Instead, there is Cubs manager Joe Maddon, who has some explanation for the supposedly inexplicable.

“Here’s a kid that’s almost got 1,000 hits,” Maddon said. “He’s 25 years old. He’s having a tough year. But I watch his work, and his work is good. He’s done so many good things. And I think he’s been trying a little bit too hard, and I think the potential to be traded has bothered him a little bit, too.”

Castro signed with the Cubs as a 16-year-old in 2006, debuted in the major leagues when he was 20 and was an All-Star when he was 21. And 22. And 24. He had a lousy season two years ago, hitting .245/.284/.347, and is down to .238/.274/.307 this year. His defensive work has always been an issue, with only one season registering a positive number in the defensive runs saved column.

With Castro’s hitting, there are some numbers that help explain his troubles. Castro has a .277 BABIP this year, the lowest of his career, which is followed by his .290 clip from 2013, a year in which fired-after-the-season manager Dale Sveum gave the shortstop little public support, bandying about the idea of demoting him to the minor leagues. Castro’s .337 BABIP last year probably helped cover up the troublesome trend of his swinging strike rate taking an upward trend throughout his career.

Castro also had uncharacteristic success on fastballs last year — for his career, he has been best against curveballs and change-ups, which is unusual and probably a reason that the league took a while to catch up with him. Meanwhile, the lowest rates of pitches Castro has seen in the strike zone in his career have been in 2013 and this year. If the book on Castro is out, you can bet that it reads “throw him fastballs, get him to chase.”

If you want to attribute Castro’s struggles to something mental, though, hearing prospect footsteps from Javier Baez two years ago and having natural shortstop Addison Russell playing next to him this year makes a lot of sense. Maddon’s insistence that Castro would not be traded before the deadline last week did nothing to quell rumors that he would be, and even though Castro remained in Chicago, his eight-year contract, which runs through 2019 on team-friendly terms (assuming quality performance), hardly seems to seem an assurance that he will be at Wrigley through the end of the decade.

For what it’s worth, and four games is obviously a tiny sample, Castro has a .753 OPS since the trade deadline passed, with only two strikeouts in 15 at-bats (13.3%) compared to 71 strikeouts in his first 392 at-bats (18.1%). Russell, the player whose bright future would be most likely to push Castro out of Wrigley, debuted on April 21. Through that day, Castro hit .352/.375/.481 with eight strikeouts in 54 at-bats (14.8%). It’s almost like the explanation from Maddon, whose greatest strength might be his ability to relate to young players, holds water.

Asking the question of why Castro is struggling is sensible and worthwhile. Ignoring a reasonable explanation in favor of speculation about a mental condition – something that is nobody’s business unless Castro himself decides to talk about it, and he clearly does not want to – is reckless at best.

Recklessness is a common theme recently, as described by former New York Times columnist Murray Chass in his Thursday piece, “Tweeting Trash in a Race to be No. 1.”

“The substance of the reports by today’s ‘reporters’ has taken second place to speed,” Chass writes. “When I was a reporter for the Associated Press decades ago, speed counted, but we couldn’t just be fast; we had to be right.

“In the Twitter era, it seems as though it doesn’t matter if you’re right. Being first with a trade or a free-agent signing is what counts. If a reporter is first to report a trade but has it wrong, he can always delete the tweet or send another tweet, saying ‘oops.’”

Indeed, we should all crave responsible journalism, not just speculation or information spouted quickly for the sake of being able to plant a flag at the top of a mountain of news. It’s worth remembering how things were done in the old days, how accuracy was paramount, how, well, Chass has a brilliant remembrance of the way things were, when you could trust what you read.

“It reminds me of Pete Rose’s free agency in 1978,” Chass writes. “In a matter of hours on the same day, from about late morning to late afternoon, Milton Richman of United Press International, a good baseball reporter, had Rose signing with three different teams, actually running three different stories on the UPI wire. The third was Philadelphia, which was the right one.”


If a news service ran stories about a player signing with three different teams today, the mockery and outrage would be well deserved. As it is, any reaction to the Castro story is online only, because there is no speculation about Castro having ADHD in the actual print edition of the newspaper, according to some helpful Chicagoans.

What the Internet and Twitter have done, then, is publicly show the failings of the fourth estate in a way that could not be shown before. It does not mean that the failings were not there before. It’s the same way that the Internet can bring everyone good stories from out-of-town outlets, and can provide the statistics that make it easier to see what’s happening with a player like Castro away from baseless speculation about what’s happening in his head.

Jesse Spector