Giants are having the George Costanza of offseasons

Dave Tobener

Giants are having the George Costanza of offseasons image

At a diner in San Francisco, Giants executive VP Brian Sabean and GM Bobby Evans have just ordered lunch. Sabean notices Andrew McCutchen sitting at the counter.

Sabean: Uh, Bobby, Andrew McCutchen just looked at you.

Evans: So what? What am I supposed to do?

Sabean: Go trade for him!

Evans: Brian, general managers of teams that just lost 98 games don't trade for outfielders in their 30s. They tear things down and get young players and hope for the best.

Sabean: Well here's your chance to try the opposite. Instead of rebuilding an older roster, acquire even more older players that are still productive and hope for a turnaround.

Evans: You're right, I should. I should do the opposite.

Sabean: If every instinct you have is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.

Evans: Yes, I will do the opposite!

Evans walks up to McCutchen.

My name is Bobby. I'm the GM of a team that just lost 98 games. We'd like to trade for you and move you to right field.

McCutchen: I'm Andrew. Hi!

End Scene

OK, maybe when the Giants decided to defy conventional thinking and double down on players on the wrong side of 30, it didn't happen exactly like the classic "Seinfeld" episode “The Opposite.” But it certainly seems like Bobby Evans and the Giants' front office had George Costanza's life philosophy in mind when they set out to construct their roster for 2018.

A number of factors contributed to the Giants' league-worst record last year, from injuries to massive roster holes, but it was impossible to ignore that most of their everyday players seemed to go into a decline at the same time. The offense was stagnant, the pitching suspect, and it was fair to wonder whether most of the team's better players had left their best days behind.

MORE: The 15 best baseball moments on "Seinfeld"

Faced with an aging roster and a minor league system that lacked premium prospects that could help turn things around, most teams would have thrown in the towel, traded away any players who could bring back a prospect or two, and commit to a long-term rebuild that would hopefully turn them into perennial contenders again a few years down the road. It's worked out well for the Cubs and Astros, and teams have seemingly become content with losing for a few years with the promise of better days to come.

Not the Giants. Instead of going young, they've embraced being over the hill. The major pieces they've added this winter — Evan Longoria, Andrew McCutchen and Austin Jackson — are all over 30. Once Brandon Belt blows out his birthday candles in mid-April, Joe Panik will be the only player in the team's projected everyday lineup still in his 20s. It's a strategy that's rarely seen anymore in baseball: trusting veteran players to bounce back to something resembling their old selves, while adding even more vets who have been recently productive. It's a strategy that is, well, the opposite of what everyone else seems to be doing.

And it just might be crazy enough to work. Yes, they'll be old. But the Giants' lineup is suddenly a lot more interesting thanks to the additions of Longoria, McCutchen and Jackson, three players who were all quite productive last year in spite of their respective ages. Buster Posey should benefit from having more protection around him and could reach 20 home runs in a season for the first time since 2014. Belt suffered from flukey injuries last year, and if he can stay healthy his penchant for getting on base will come in handy with a more balanced lineup. Hunter Pence will be 35, but a move to a less-demanding position should help maximize whatever he has left. 

It's too early to say whether they'll be able to hang with the Dodgers in their division, but the Giants have put themselves in prime position to at least contend for a Wild-Card spot if things break their way. They've managed so far to stay under the luxury tax, which means they can avoid the penalties that come with overspending and be players in next year's loaded free-agent class if they so choose. Considering the caliber of players they've managed to add, that's an impressive feat (though maybe not a Festivus feat of strength).

FAGAN: McCutchen, Longoria should help Giants erase '17 debacle

No matter what happens this year, there's something refreshing about a team not giving up after a nightmare season and instead trying to win. The Giants have built up a lot of good will over the past decade, and chances are most of their fans would stick with them through a tough rebuild. But rather than conceding an entire season before Valentine's Day, the team is putting forth the message that they don't plan to accept losing in any form, rebuilding or not. It's not the norm for franchises anymore, and the Giants are bucking the trend.

So will going full Costanza benefit the Giants this year? Embracing the opposite certainly worked for George, who ended up with a beautiful girlfriend and the job of his dreams with the Yankees. And if it works for the Giants, maybe more teams will be willing to follow their lead next winter. Maybe teams have just needed to embrace their inner George.

Dave Tobener