Yep, Ryan Vogelsong is still pissed at Jordan Lyles for breaking his face

Sean Gentille

Yep, Ryan Vogelsong is still pissed at Jordan Lyles for breaking his face image

Ryan Vogelsong is pitching for the Pirates again. That wasn't a given after Colorado's Jordan Lyles beaned him in the eyeball back in May.

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And Vogelsong is still pissed about the way Lyles handled it. Lyles didn't contact Vogelsong until two weeks ago, after Vogelsong — set to return to Pittsburgh's' rotation after breaking bones in his face — criticized him in an interview with Fox Sports.

"I know if I was the guy pitching on the mound and drilled someone in the face ... it could have ended my career. It could have blinded me. I could have never been able to be see out of my left eye again," Vogelsong told Ken Rosenthal at the time. "Even worse, it actually could have killed me, if it would have hit me in a little different spot. I think that deserves a text message, or a phone call, or something."

Lyles was contrite and said he didn't text Vogelsong because he didn't know what to do, according to Rosenthal. In the immediate aftermath, he didn't have a ton to say.

“First of all, that’s tough, getting hit up there,” Lyles told the Denver Post the day after the incident. “Hopefully he’s good to go, and I hope he comes out of it OK and is able to get back to his teammates shortly. … The pitch just ran in too much, too high.”

In any case, Vogelsong, who allowed two runs in his second post-beaning start on Wednesday, still isn't bothering to hide his feelings about the whole deal. This is what he had to say Thursday on MLB Network Radio.

The moral of the story: Always apologize after you accidentally hit someone in the face with a baseball.

Sean Gentille