Ryan Howard, Ryan Zimmerman deny Al Jazeera PED allegations

Arthur Weinstein

Ryan Howard, Ryan Zimmerman deny Al Jazeera PED allegations image

Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard and Nationals infielder Ryan Zimmerman have issued denials they used a performance-enhancing drug, refuting claims made in a documentary set to air Sunday night.

"The Dark Side," a documentary by news agency Al Jazeera, alleges that Howard and Zimmerman, Cubs catcher Taylor Teagarden, and football players including Peyton Manning, Julius Peppers and James Harrison, were among the athletes who used the performance-enhancing drug Delta-2 at some point in recent years. The Huffington Post viewed an advance copy of the documentary and Saturday evening published the story naming the athletes.

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The documentary used British hurdler Liam Collins as an undercover investigator. Collins secretly taped and interviewed Charlie Sly, an Austin, Texas, pharmacist who claimed to have worked at the Guyer Institute, the Indiana-based anti-aging clinic, in 2011. Late Saturday night,  Sly recanted his claims to ESPN.com , saying he had lied during the secret taping.

William Burck of Quinn Emanuel, the attorney for both Howard and Zimmerman issued a statement Saturday blasting the report:

“It’s inexcusable and irresponsible that Al Jazeera would provide a platform and broadcast outright lies about Mr. Howard and Mr. Zimmerman. The extraordinarily reckless claims made against our clients in this report are completely false and rely on a source who has already recanted his claims.  We will go to court to hold Al Jazeera and other responsible parties accountable for smearing our clients’ good names.”

Manning quickly issued his own public denial Saturday night, calling the allegation “complete garbage." Manning questioned Sunday why Al Jazeera would follow through with a made-up story. 

Sly also told ESPN he was a student intern at The Guyer Institute in 2013 rather than 2011 as the Al Jazeera story claims.

While Sly claims in the documentary that he worked closely with Howard and Zimmerman, Teagarden reportedly appears in the documentary, telling both Sly and Collins during the secret taping that he used Delta-2.

“I used it last year, I was very ... I was scared to be honest with you,” Teagarden reportedly says in the documentary.  “I took it for like two weeks and I had a test four weeks after my last administration of it.  Nothing happened. ...  And I was also taking peptides too but they were all urine tests, no blood tests ... Once a year, maybe twice at most.”

MLBTradeRumors.com reports that if the allegations are proven, Howard, Zimmerman and Teagarden would likely be subject to the 80-game suspension given to the first-time offenders under MLB’s drug policy.

Arthur Weinstein