David Ortiz's game-changing K was embarrassing; robot umps, anyone?

Jesse Spector

David Ortiz's game-changing K was embarrassing; robot umps, anyone? image

NEW YORK — When John Farrell held his postgame press conference Friday night, it had been 15 minutes since he had been ejected in the ninth inning of the Red Sox’s 3-2 loss to the Yankees, the right amount of time to still have some emotion in the wake of what had happened, but also to have come down from the adrenaline rush of it.

“I think anybody who watched the ninth inning, how it unfolded, probably knows the story of that inning,” the Boston manager said. “We created another golden opportunity for us, as we did in the sixth — runner in scoring position, in the seventh, again in the eighth and a big opportunity in the ninth. Like I said, I think anybody that was watching the game closely understands what the story of this one was.”

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That story was that the Red Sox, down by a run after Aaron Hicks’ home run off Rick Porcello, loaded the bases against Yankees closer Andrew Miller, and were one pitch away from scoring the tying run when the left-hander went to a 3-1 count on David Ortiz. A called strike on the 3-1 pitch led to remonstrations from Ortiz and Farrell getting the boot while trying to protect his player. A called strike on the next pitch got Ortiz ejected, and Hanley Ramirez then struck out to end the game.

Saying what he said, Farrell came as close as he could, without actually saying the words, to saying that plate umpire Ron Kulpa had cost Boston the game.

Looking at PitchF/X data from Brooks Baseball, Farrell was both right and wrong. The 3-1 pitch was a strike. The 3-2 pitch, after which Ortiz had to be restrained from going after Kulpa, was low. It was not so low as to match Farrell’s assertion that Ortiz “needed a hockey stick” to reach it, but it should have been Ball 4.

It’s important to remember, though, that the 3-2 pitch came after the 3-1 pitch and a reaction by Ortiz that was so animated, Farrell needed to come out and get ejected on the slugger’s behalf. It is not fair or right that umpires expand the strike zone in such situations, but that has been the case for a century and a half of baseball. Ortiz, a major leaguer since 1997, has been around long enough to know that if you’re that demonstrative with a protest of a called strike, and somehow are lucky enough not to get thrown out of the game, if the next pitch is anywhere close — which it was — you’d better be swinging the bat.

“It was bad, bro,” Ortiz said. “That’s all I can say. It was bad. … Everything was a ball. Even the one I swung, was a ball. Miller was pitching very careful.”

Kulpa defended his calls to a pool reporter after the game, saying the 3-1 pitch came through the strike zone, which it did, and that the 3-2 pitch was down the middle, which it was — only that was not the issue, because the pitch was low.

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The incident illuminates a point that everyone already is aware of, but that needs to be made, explicitly, as a reminder. Calling balls and strikes, in real time, at full speed, is an incredibly difficult job that human umpires do remarkably well, all things considered.

As Ortiz said, though, “They’re human, and they’re going to make mistakes.” The difference is that, in 2016, awareness of those mistakes is heightened. There is a strike zone tracker on television broadcasts, not to mention on Major League Baseball’s website and phone apps. There are Twitter accounts that not only track close ball-strike calls, but tell you, immediately, how often a pitch in a certain location is called the same way.

The pitch that Ortiz struck out on, by this measure, was approximately one baseball out of the strike zone. So it was both worth being upset about and also completely understandable, especially given the human nature of umpires and the history of the game that Ortiz is plenty familiar with — it was a gift that he was allowed to stay in the game to complete his at-bat, with the condition, under the (gulp) unwritten rules, that anything close would be another strike. It was close, and it became a strike.

There is only one way to change this, and it is to take the technology that enables the world to see with pinpoint precision what is and is not a strike, and actually utilize it. The concept of “robot umps” does not mean sticking an R2-D2 type of droid behind home plate. It means giving a smartphone or watch to a human — who still has plenty of other duties as an umpire — and adding precision to an imprecise process. It is not as jarring of a change as the terminology behind it suggests.

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Such a change would mean that catchers’ ability to frame pitches, a skill that has become better appreciated and more desirable in recent years thanks to technology allowing for evaluation of it, would no longer matter. Baseball has to ask itself if such subversion of the game’s judicial system really is something that should be prized anyway, but also what unintended consequences there might be.

The other option is to leave things as they are, but with the knowledge that technology is not slowing down. Everyone in the stands, the press box and the locker room has some kind of device that can pretty much instantly tell them whether an umpire is right or wrong about strike calls. The only person without that benefit is the umpire making the call. At some point, there must be recognition that hewing to tradition is affecting the outcome of games like it did on Friday night.

Jesse Spector