Broadcast review: With low-key Rangers crew, it's sleep in the heart of Texas

Jesse Spector

Broadcast review: With low-key Rangers crew, it's sleep in the heart of Texas image

With 162 games in a season for each team, a fan watching an entire year’s worth of games on television will spend 19 days, 19 hours and 12 minutes in front of a rectangle showing baseball. This is a lot of time, and it is only natural – especially in today’s world – that there will be distractions.

So, how do broadcasters bring you into the game? This year, Sporting News is grading announcers on how they grab your attention. This time, it’s the Rangers on Fox Sports Southwest with Steve Busby and Tom Grieve.

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Nomar Mazara has been a revelation for the Rangers since making his debut in April, two weeks before his 21st birthday. The outfielder, who signed with Texas as a 16-year-old out of the Dominican Republic back in 2011, is hitting .304/.354/.489 with 10 home runs in his first 48 major league games, including the longest homer hit in the major leagues this season.

It was Mazara’s eighth homer of the year, a 491-footer off Hector Santiago of the Angels on May 25. Texas trailed, 4-1, when Mazara went deep in the second inning.

“He was doing everything for the Rangers last night,” Busby said as Santiago’s 0-1 pitch floated low and away for a ball. “And he had the big setup of a double steal attempt where he stopped and got caught in the rundown and allowed Ian Desmond to score a very big run in the eighth inning.”

“You don’t see that play put on a lot,” Grieve said. “You don’t see it work a lot. But you never wanted to see it…”

Grieve did not finish his thought. Mazara swung at the 1-1 pitch and crushed it. He cuts himself off to avoid having an awkward moment of Busby talking over him.

“THERE GOES NUMBER EIGHT OFF THE BAT OF MAZARA!” Busby yelled, immediately getting into it. “Look out in the upper tank! Goodbye!”

Grieve was surprisingly matter-of-fact in his commentary, starting as Mazara rounded second base on his trot.

“We keep talking about some of the spots where Mazara has hit a baseball,” Grieve said in a perfectly conversational voice. “Last night, he hit one into the upper deck about three rows back. That one went above the exits in right field. A hanger, that he just crushed, right into the hitter’s wheelhouse. And again, when you see where he’s hit some of the balls he’s hit, and you envision him getting more comfortable with pitchers that he’ll face, more experience, a little bit stronger as he gets a little bit older, not hard to imagine Nomar Mazara hitting a lot of home runs here. That might’ve been his longest one, right there.”

There’s maintaining perspective and taking a long view, and then there’s taking a massive home run and playing it so cool, you lose the moment. This is the latter.

Compare it to the radio call by Eric Nadel and Matt Hicks, who don’t go for super-high volume, either, but capture the moment, especially in Hicks’ reaction.

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Or, compare it to the television call of the longest home run of last season, by Kris Bryant of the Cubs.

After the overly wordy failure by his partner to capture the moment, Busby found a way to bring things down another level with some oddly-timed homerism, of a type beyond the normal playing up the positives of the local team and extending into openly rooting them on.

“If you were an Angel fan, figuring that the Rangers would die after getting behind again, forget it,” he said. “This ballclub isn’t going anywhere.”

How about a homer for the other team? Nelson Cruz opened the scoring for the Mariners on Sunday with a two-run shot off Derek Holland.

“We talked about the Mariners against left-handed foes,” Busby said as the count ran to 3-1. “Cruz has six home runs this year against left-handed pitchers.”

Holland set and delivered the 3-1 pitch, a meatball.

“Make that seven,” Busby said. “That is headed to the bullpen and beyond. 2-0, Seattle.”

“That was a complete rocket,” said Grieve, in a voice that sounded like he was talking about getting food poisoning. “A fan actually leaned over and caught it before it slammed off the back of the wall of the Mariners bullpen. Derek tried to get that fastball in against Nellie Cruz, but Nellie was having no part of it.”

Know who else is having no part of it? Any viewers looking for announcers who will get them into the game.

Grade: 3 out of 10


In the first inning on May 17 in Oakland, speedy Billy Burns broke his bat on a ground ball that Adrian Beltre made a tough play on, striding into foul territory and throwing across the diamond for the out. The degree of difficulty was even higher because Beltre was playing in a bit to guard against the bunt, so he had even less reaction time.

“Saw-off job,” Busby said. “Beltre, right on the line. What a strike, from down under, from Beltre.”

“My goodness,” Busby added.

“Yeah,” Grieve said. “He wasn’t sure how much time he had with Burns running. Burns is a good runner. He got rid of it so quickly and accurately, Burns was out by 10 feet. Looked like Cole (Hamels) ran something in with cutting action, right in on the fists. Wasn’t hit very hard, and Adrian had plenty of time to make the play. Made it look simple.”

“How in the world he does that, I have no idea,” Busby said. “Pretty good arm strength to get it over from that far away, from that arm angle, and running the other way.”

The throw not only was across the field, with Beltre’s momentum carrying him into foul ground and in plenty of time to get Burns, it was thrown from an awkward position, off Beltre’s back foot. This is anything but routine, which Busby tried to capture, but it really should be Grieve’s job to express the incredible difficulty of the play. Instead, he sounds like he’s just there to fill time between Busby’s sentences

Grade: 5 out of 10

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On Memorial Day in Cleveland, with Dave Raymond filling in for Busby (and sounding enough like him to make you think the booth was its normal composition), the Rangers knocked the previously unbeaten Josh Tomlin out of the game in the fourth inning with eight runs on nine hits, helped along by Tomlin’s own error and two more by Juan Uribe. By the time the eighth inning rolled around, it was a 9-2 game.

The inning started with Elvis Andrus reaching on Uribe’s third error of the game, called thusly…

Raymond: “Bouncer to third base. Uribe circles around it and throws it too high, where the new first baseman (Chris) Gimenez couldn’t bring it down, and here’s Andrus on to start the eighth. And that is the third error of the game for Juan Uribe.”

Grieve: “And this is definitely an error. He’s got time and just launches it. The error that was called on the ball that Beltre hit was, I think, a borderline call. It was a hard-hit ball. He backhanded it and was given an error on the play. Could’ve been a base hit. Might be a little biased in that regard.”

Ryan Rua bounced into a double play and Bryan Holaday flied lazily to center field. Aside from a brief soliloquy by Raymound about Merritt doing impressive yeoman’s work in long relief in his major league debut, the top of the eighth passed without anything else to note. 

To start the bottom of the eighth, Raymond said it would be Mike Napoli, Carlos Santana and Jose Ramirez hitting for Cleveland, going so far as to say, “Cesar Ramos, right in there with strike one to Napoli” and not realizing until after the second pitch of the at-bat that it was Gimenez, who replaced Napoli in the top of the inning, at the plate.

Gimenez went on to draw a leadoff walk before Santana bounced into a double play and Ramirez flied out to the warning track in right field. Raymond's call of the double play had some life to it (particularly compared to a typical Busby call), and Grieve went so far as to say that it wasn’t as easy as it looked.  A discussion of the league leaders in double plays turned did not mention that Texas’ high standing in the category might not be such a good thing because it means that the opponents have runners on base.

If you were full of hot dogs after an afternoon of grilling, it would have been easy to fall asleep during this inning.

Grade: 4 out of 10


In the ninth inning on June 1, the finale of the Cleveland series, the Rangers had runners on first and third with nobody out, down by a run against closer Cody Allen. Jared Hoying hit a grounder to shortstop that the Indians were only able to get a forceout on. The tying run would have scored regardless of whether the double play was turned, but the call from Busby was typically understated and the follow-up from Grieve was as lethargically matter-of-fact as any other.

As Cleveland challenged to try to get a double play on the infamous slide rule, Busby did well to note that the 4-4 score would hold regardless of the outcome of the review. During the review, the talk between Raymond and Grieve about the slide rule is on point, but frustratingly quiet, to the point where you can hear some chatter from another broadcast going on in the press box.

The problems here are ones that extend throughout the Rangers broadcast. The way that Raymond and Grieve handled the review itself is to be commended. They did not take issue with the process, even as the review took longer than it really should have, and they broke down the play well. You just had to strain to hear it.

Grade: 8 out of 10 


The Rangers have had one walk-off victory this year, on May 14 against the Blue Jays, the day before Rougned Odor punched Jose Bautista. Here, the combatants were Gavin Floyd on the mound and Drew Stubbs at the plate, sorting out their differences in a way much more befitting baseball – a 1-2 pitch launched over a fence.

“Floyd back to the plate,” Busby said as the hurler delivered. “Hit well to left field. Going back—“

“GO!” Grieve exclaimed, in a hard-to-believe moment of both emotion and terrible timing to step on his partner.


Busby let the crowd noise be the soundtrack for a moment before coming back with, “RANGERS MOBBING DREW STUBBS! Well, can you believe that? Drew Stubbs went all Toronto Blue Jays on Toronto.”

Grieve, suddenly, went back to his normal, dry voice.

“Well, that’s a game you didn’t want to lose,” he said. “It’s a shame Colby didn’t get the win. Rangers played a great game. Toronto tied it up, but the Rangers did what they had to do and got the home run from Drew Stubbs to win the ballgame.”

Grieve may have been the only person in the entire ballpark at that moment thinking about who the winning pitcher was. It’s just a weird way to react to a walk-off home run, and distracts from what was really a pretty good call from Busby, whose work is uneven but rose to a higher level in this moment.

Grade: 6 out of 10

FINAL GRADE: 26 out of 50

Jesse Spector