Jose Bautista-Rougned Odor brawl: Two wrongs, one big right (not that one)

Jesse Spector

Jose Bautista-Rougned Odor brawl: Two wrongs, one big right (not that one) image

Jose Bautista did not deserve to be punched in the face by Rougned Odor on Sunday, because he is a baseball player and punching people in the face is not part of baseball. Odor should be suspended, because he punched Bautista in the face and punching people in the face is not part of baseball.

With that in mind, it is important to recognize that Bautista is not without blame for the brawl between the Blue Jays and Rangers. That Odor actually connected with a punch, which is about as common in the major leagues as a no-hitter, is irrelevant. That Odor has a history of his own dirty slides is irrelevant. That Bautista was on base because Matt Bush hit him with what sure appeared to be a purpose pitch is irrelevant.

MORE: Sports brawls you won't forget 

What is relevant is that Bautista’s slide sparked the whole thing. The slide was garbage, with Bautista going in so late that he landed on top of second base, launching himself directly at Odor’s plant leg.

Have there been worse slides? Absolutely. Does that put Bautista in the clear? Absolutely not.

If there is anybody in baseball who should know better, it’s — well, it’s Chase Utley, whose name is unofficially on the rule on slides at second base. But if there is anybody else in baseball who should know better, it’s Bautista.

MORE: John Gibbons: Rangers 'gutless' for throwing at Bautista

Just last month, it was Bautista whose slide cost the Blue Jays a game when he was ruled to have interfered with Rays second baseman Logan Forsythe trying to complete a double play. There were days of controversy after that implementation of the new rule, and it should have been an opportunity for everyone in the game, but particularly Bautista, to learn what constitutes a good slide.

“I didn’t think it was illegal to make contact, let alone something so subtle and soft,” Bautista said then. “Did I reach out to make him avoid me? Perhaps. Does that make it an illegal slide? I don’t know.”

MORE: MLB slide rule brings clarity to ambiguous policy

The answer was yes, the slide where Bautista made contact with Forsythe was illegal. The slide on Sunday was worse. While both slides would have been legal a year ago, the slide against the Rays would have been completely innocuous, while the slide into Odor would have been seen as a hard-nosed takeout by a guy getting some payback for having been hit by a pitch.

It’s not up to Bautista to get payback, though. It’s up to Major League Baseball to look at Bush’s pitch and discipline him accordingly. Just the same, it’s not up to Odor to get revenge on Bautista with his right fist. It is a situation where nobody is right because they are not letting the rules of baseball, and the enforcers of those rules, do their jobs. This isn’t about unwritten rules, where enforcement is up to the players. It’s about the written rules, which are clear.

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What should not happen now is further debate about the slide rule. It was properly enforced in this situation, where a player went well beyond the line of what is an acceptable slide in 2016, even if it would have been just fine in 2015. By and large, players are adjusting to the new rule by making cleaner slides, trying for the base rather than trying to take out an opposing player in what is supposed to be a non-contact sport.

Bautista was wrong. Odor was even more wrong. The rule is just right.

Jesse Spector