How to develop as a high school baseball player

Dan Weigel

How to develop as a high school baseball player image

Pitchers do not get better by playing games. Sure, games help one learn to compete, gain experience on the mound and sometimes get an opportunity to engage in the chess match of pitch sequencing, but in terms of raw skill development, games are rather unhelpful.

During the average high school season the common player will have approximately three games and three practices per week. The non-pitching games (most of them) are an even bigger waste of time from a pure pitching development perspective. The practices can be useful but the training workload is typically more tailored to making sure the fifth man in the bullpen never shows up to the game sore instead of being tailored to maximum skill development for players.

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No one is to blame here, as coaches are paid to win high school games and keeping players fresh during the season is a good way to accomplish that goal in the short term. This also is not a criticism of high school baseball, which is often significantly more beneficial than the average summer ball or fall ball team. In the long term, however, is the standard in-season schedule the best way to maximize development?

Types of High School Players

The answer to this question may be contingent on one’s goal in baseball. The NCAA tells us that only 6.9 percent of high school players will move on to play at the NCAA level, but when we factor in Junior College, NAIA and players selected in the draft, the total percentage of high school players moving on to play at a higher level creeps up a few more percentage points. Still, the number is low and the overwhelming majority of players will see their baseball careers end at their high school graduation. With that in mind, let’s break down the large population of high school players into a few more specific groups with different goals.

Group One : Priority of enjoying HS career. Group One is the largest of the groups and consists of players who play simply for the love of the game but have no plans of continuing to play beyond high school. This is admirable and beneficial for overall development as an individual, but this group is not relevant for this article.

Group Two : Two- or three-sport athlete, baseball not priority. Like Group One, members of Group Two seemingly play for the love of the game, but with their priority in a different sport, they too are irrelevant for this article.

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Group Three : Two- or three-sport athlete, priority of reaching next level in baseball. Group three is the trickiest group, as members of this group are mostly committed to reaching the next level, but the pleasures of playing another high school sport outweigh a full commitment to their primary sport. This is a fine decision for overall development, but from a strict baseball developmental perspective, JV basketball is not going to help you throw harder (and sports like cross-country will probably make you throw slower).

Group Four : Baseball only, priority of reaching next level. This group consists of athletes who are 100 percent committed to playing baseball at the next level and who (at least theoretically) shape their entire athletic year around meeting that goal. Members of this group are extremely likely to feel pressure to play summer ball and fall ball in addition to their commitments with their high school team. For a talented player looking to maximize his talents, rethinking this standard plan may be beneficial.

What should a committed baseball player do?

The biggest questions for any high school player fully committed to play at the next level are as follows:

1. What should I be doing to maximize my ability?

2. Am I doing that? If not, how can I start doing it?

With the modern overload of quality (amidst a sea of low-quality) training information available, a decent answer to the first question should be relatively easy to find. An honest answer to the second question, however, may be difficult to swallow.

Even if the committed player is able to train properly and train often, the regular presence of largely meaningless games (especially in the long run — nobody cares who won the local summer or fall tournament) hinders the quality of the training sessions. Can one make as many strength and explosive power gains during the season as in the offseason? Can one engage in a weighted ball or long toss program to increase velocity during the season?

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The answers to both of these questions are a resounding no. Players in season have the advantage of engaging in the fun part of baseball, but while they play, a growing number of athletes are ignoring the pressure to play to focus exclusively on training. Instead of worrying about showing up to a game sore from the previous day’s lift, many of these players are on highly specialized lifting, weighted ball, nutrition, mobility and sleep schedules. This certainly is not the most fun option, but these players have truly put all of their eggs in one basket and are forgoing the pleasures of high school baseball for the promise of greater returns in the long run.

Will this decision help these athletes maximize their talents? Is specialization and training the best plan for reaching the next level?

Daniel Coyle has made a living researching and writing about talent development in talent hotbeds around the world. One of his most famous examples, outlined in this New York Times piece, examines a single-court indoor Russian tennis facility called Spartak that has produced numerous elite players. What are the secrets of this facility and why have they produced so many top players? He lists three reasons, the second of which is displayed here:

Early Starts. The kids here start young and specialize early. They are tennis players, and not much else competes for their attention (only a handful owned video games, according to my informal poll), and they also benefit from a Russian culture that's built to select athletes and shield them from academic pressures. Incidentally, there were indeed elite athletic genes floating around at Spartak: Alexandra's parents were famous figure skaters, and another kid was Myskina's cousin. So good genes probably play a role, or (just as likely, to my mind) there's a beneficial effect to growing up in an environment of working athletes.

The common objection to this argument is that avoiding early specialization by playing multiple sports (and engaging in non-sporting activities) helps kids enjoy a more well-rounded development. This argument remains valid. However, it is extremely naive to assert that playing football or basketball is anywhere near as useful as sport-specific offseason training for the player set on maximizing his profile for the next level. If the best way to get better at baseball was to play basketball or football, why don’t the best baseball coaches simply have their players play these sports all offseason? It is a classic question of specialization versus a well-rounded approach, and while the well-rounded approach can be very beneficial, the point remains that the specialist of any discipline will almost always be better than anyone else in his or her specialty.

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The Verdict

Pushing games and other sports aside to focus exclusively on training for baseball is only for a select crowd. It would be a shame to see kids fail to maximize their enjoyment of the amateur game by simply focusing on training and not reap the benefits later. Additionally, there is nothing wrong with playing multiple sports and trying to play baseball at the next level. It is extremely common for multiple sport athletes to reach the next level in baseball and playing multiple sports even seems to help some of them. Still, it is difficult to question whether the average two-sport athlete could have gone to a better school or been drafted a few rounds higher if he had spent more time training and less time playing basketball, football or relatively meaningless amateur baseball games.

If maximizing the chance of playing at the next level is the most important consideration, then training is not something you squeeze in for a few weeks between sports. It is not something you do when your summer ball game is rained out. Training is a priority of your day and of your competitive year. Find a way to do it well and reap the benefits. Push it down the priority list, and try not to act surprised when other players pass you.

Dan Weigel is a contributor at Sporting News focusing on pitching and a high school pitching coach. Follow him on twitter at @DanWeigel38.

Dan Weigel