'Parks and Recreation' shows its love for sabermetrics again

Justin McGuire

'Parks and Recreation' shows its love for sabermetrics again image

Last season, the NBC sitcom "Parks and Recreation" introduced the fictional law firm of Babip, Pecota, Vorp and Eckstein. The name was a giant Easter egg to baseball nerds courtesy of show co-creator and producer Michael Schur, one of the minds behind the now-defunct blog Fire Joe Morgan.

Apparently, the firm has been involved with a merger since then. On last night's season premiere, we learn that it is now called Fwar, Dips, Winshares, Gritt, Babip, Pecota, Vorp and Eckstein.

For the sabermetrically uninitiated, here's what the new terms stand for:

fWAR is FanGraphs’ version of Wins Above Replacement.

DIPS stands for Defense Independent Pitching Statistics, a concept developed in 2001 by Voros McCracken. It measures a pitcher's effectiveness in areas in which fielders don't have an impact: home runs allowed, strikeouts, walks, etc.

Win Shares refers to a system developed in the early 2000s by sabermetric legend Bill James. Through a complex formula, the system attempts to calculate the number of wins a player contributed to his team.

Gritt is, well, grit. See Eckstein, below.

And if you need a refresher on the earlier terms:

BABIP stands for Batting Average of Balls in Play. That just means the percentage of non-strikeout, non-walk, non-home run plate appearances that result in hits.

PECOTA is an acronym for Player Empirical Comparison and Optimization Test Algorithm. It's  a system for forecasting player performance that was devleoped by Nate Silver (later of FiveThirtyEight.com fame) for Baseball Prospectus.

VORP stands for value over replacement player.

Eckstein is former MLB infielder David Eckstein. Eckstein was a favorite target of Fire Joe Morgan because he was so often praised for his grittiness and intangibles despite little statistical evidence of his value.

Justin McGuire