23 things that have happened since the Padres scored a run

Jason Foster

23 things that have happened since the Padres scored a run image

If you’re a baseball fan of a certain age, you probably remember a time when the Padres scored runs. It’s been a long time, but think hard.

The last recorded instance happened way back on Oct. 4, 2015. So long ago. Travis Jankowski hit a three-run, seventh inning homer off the Dodgers’ Luis Avilan and, just like that, the Padres were on the board.

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Younger fans are probably thinking, “Wait. The Padres used to score runs? The same team that just set a record for the most consecutive scoreless innings to start a season? What a time to have been alive. Was magic real back then?”

Not quite, ya whippersnapper, not quite. But the world was quite a different place.

Exactly how long has it been since the Padres scored? Here are 23 things that have happened in sports and greater pop culture since the San Diego nine last dented the scoreboard.

1. Cam Newton dabbed for the first time in public. Think about that, Newton had NEVER DABBED IN PUBLIC the last time the Padres scored. That’s how long it’s been, Padres fans. What a different world it was. Moms in Tennessee were happy and Internet commenters were content to be racist about other things.

2. A trailer for “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” debuted on “Monday Night Football,” delighting millions. Then two months passed, the actual movie came out (delighting millions), three more months passed, the DVD came out (delighting millions), then another “Star Wars” movie debuted its trailer (delighting millions). Not delighting millions: The Padres.

3. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, President’s Day, Valentine’s Day and opening day have all passed without a score for San Diego. Also passed: the second game of the season and the third game of the season.

4. “The Walking Dead” began and completed its sixth season of drama set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland inhabited by mindless, wandering zombies. Sort of like the ones that were reportedly sighted at Petco Park this week trying to play baseball against the Dodgers.

5. The entire college basketball season came and went. The next One Shining Moment will be when a Padres player touches home plate, amirite?

6. “Spotlight,” the Oscar-winner for Best Picture, was released more than a month after the Padres scored. Despite praise from critics and audiences, the film scored just two Oscars. That’s still more than the Padres have scored during the same period.

7. Peyton Manning had one of the worst seasons ever for a quarterback, but his team still won the Super Bowl. Manning’s Broncos beat the Panthers in Super Bowl 50 in what many considered an upset. Still, even the Panthers, who were completely handled in that game, scored more times that night than the Padres have in 2016.

8. Donald Trump somehow went from an amusing/annoying but harmless election sideshow to the GOP frontrunner. The last time the Padres scored, we didn’t yet know or care about the size of his hands. In other words, the Padres haven’t scored since 2015! It’s 2016 now! Sad!

9. Ted Cruz went from being a regular senator running for president to being outed as the Zodiac Killer, the lead singer of the ‘80s Christian rock band Stryper, and also Duke’s Grayson Allen. Cruz has not been mistaken for any member of the Padres, however. Advantage Cruz.

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10. “Back to the Future II” broke our hearts and proved to be a lie when the Cubs did not win the 2015 World Series. However, between their postseason run and the 2016 regular season thus far, the Cubs have outscored the Padres 61-0.

11. Jose Bautista’s playoff bat flip was still 10 days away from dividing the baseball world. (Related: The earth was .07 percent cooler then because it had not yet been subjected to all the hot takes.) It’s unclear how the Padres feel about bat flips because they’ve not hit any home runs since then. We may never know.

12. Kobe Bryant’s “Dear Basketball” retirement poem was still nearly two months away the last time the Padres scored. As old as Bryant has looked at times this season, even he hasn't been held scoreless.

13. Adele’s “Hello” was still three weeks from release. That’s right. WE HAD NOT EVEN HEARD “HELLO” YET. It wasn’t EVERYWHERE yet. It had not yet been played, karaoke’d and parodied a million times. Hello, can you hear me/I’m in California dreaming about who we used to be. Sound familiar, Padres?

14. Justin Upton, who left the Padres for free agency after last season, has single-handedly outscored his former team. He’s scored a total of one run. But he’s not alone.

15. There have been 222 MLB players to score a run this season as of Thursday. Eight of them were pitchers. One of those was American League pitcher Justin Verlander. To make that stat a little more embarrassing …

16. There have been seven rookies to make their MLB debuts and score a run before anyone on the Padres. This includes the Rockies’ Trevor Story, who has scored four runs, which is probably seen as excessive and, perhaps, selfish in San Diego.

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17. The Royals won their first World Series in 30 years. So, after three decades of futility, the Royals have won a championship more recently than the Padres have scored a run. That's the joke.

18. The St. Louis Rams moved back to Los Angeles, while the Chargers decided to stay in San Diego. Probably because they know the Padres need the moral support.

19. "The Revenant" got strong pre-release hype, finally came out in December and two months later earned Leonardo DiCaprio his first Oscar — ending a long, Oscar-less drought for one of America's finest actors and bringing relief to millions of adoring fans who were concerned such a thing might never happen in their lifetimes. So, since Oct. 4: Leonardo DiCaprio: 1 Oscar, Padres: 0 runs.

20. “The Martian,” a bold and ambitious sci-fi epic, won the weekend box office the same day the Padres scored their last run. That movie’s about a guy who manages to grow food and survive alone on Mars for months. It’s still more realistic than the Padres making the playoffs anytime soon.

21. The NBA threatened to remove the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte over state legislation commonly known as the “bathroom bill.” Coincidentally, the Padres’ offense has been in the toilet.

22. Speaking of the NBA, the Warriors had their 54-game home winning streak snapped. They've lost not once but twice at Oracle Arena since Oct. 4. But they still have a chance to finish with the best record ever. Which number will be higher at the end of April? Warriors losses or Padres runs? Tough call.

23. Sporting News released its MLB Misery Index and ranked Padres fans the second most miserable, behind only the Rockies. Runs scored by the Rockies so far in 2016: 20. Might need to rethink the rankings.

Yes, the Great San Diego Drought has now spanned two calendar years and six calendar months. But there’s hope, perhaps as soon as Friday. The Padres open a weekend series with the Rockies at Coors Field, an oasis for many a run-starved team since 1995.

Maybe the flood gates will open. Maybe the Padres will sink deeper into the abyss.

But it's hard to imagine a better time for the Padres to remind fans of the joys of crooked numbers.

Swing hard, guys, just in case you hit it.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.