New York Times tweet, review of 'Pitch' draw harsh reaction from female baseball fans

Ryan Fagan

New York Times tweet, review of 'Pitch' draw harsh reaction from female baseball fans image

The New York Times published its review of the new Fox drama "Pitch" on Friday afternoon, and tweeted out the link soon after. The way that tweet was worded, and portions of the content of the story, didn’t exactly sit well with many baseball fans. 

Instead of just embedding a few tweets, we decided to reach out to some of the most knowledgeable baseball writers/fans we know to get their reaction to the tweet and the story.

Megan Brown, @thatgirlondeck

You don’t need to go further than your local ballpark to know that there are female baseball fans — and lots of them! Implying that women are not “hard-core baseball fans” and baseball itself isn’t enough to capture our interest is incredibly sexist. What's worse is that this tweet reflects a much deeper issue of sexism in the sports world, not only against female athletes, but also female fans. We constantly have to justify our love of sports and "prove" ourselves as a real fan. Passion knows no gender, age, race, etc. That said, “Pitch” doesn't have to worry about capturing my interest — I will be watching postseason baseball instead, which always provides plenty of drama to keep my attention. 

MORE: Watch the trailer for 'Pitch'

Kate Morrison, @unlikelyfanatic

Since the day they announced this show, I have been waiting for the gates of hell to open and pour onto the internet a sour combination of fake-righteous outrage at “a lack of authenticity” and the standard-brew pure misogyny all over the general regard.  

This just goes to show that women aren’t allowed the same kind of sports fantasy as men. Men get to sit on their couches and watch "The Rookie" or "The Natural" or "Field of Dreams" and imagine themselves, washed up and unathletic as they are, getting the mythical call. Women are only allowed to dream about being tangentially included in those stories, as the brooding or worried or harried or haggard or annoying or nitpicking wives or girlfriends. We’re only supposed to be there for the appearance of the athletes, and then are mocked for it. That there’s this story, this show, however unrealistic it is, aimed at letting us imagine what could have been if we hadn’t been shuffled into soccer or softball or tennis or track, and it’s not “realistic"? Neither is "Moneyball"! 

Being a woman and being a dedicated a baseball fan is not an either-or proposition, and it’s bald robbery to claim that. We shouldn’t still be having to sit around and wait for the dregs of what some man up in their 80th floor corner office decides is good for us. This is a show for women about a woman doing what women do every day — succeeding despite the attempts of men.

MORE: Best baseball movies of all time, ranked

Amanda Rykoff, @amandarykoff

I am a woman who loves baseball. I’ve covered the game. I’ve worked for a Major League Baseball team. And I also love television. I watch dramas and comedies and everything in between ranging from soap operas ("Jane the Virgin") to thrillers ("Mr. Robot") to period dramas ("The Americans"). I’m looking forward to "Pitch," the new Fox series that tells the story of the first woman to play in Major League Baseball. (Disclosure: I wrote about the series for Awful Announcing in July and may do more writing about it after the series premieres). I believe there is a place for a show that appeals to baseball fans and women and that the two are not mutually exclusive. I’m one of them. I can name at least 100 others with whom I engage daily on Twitter who populate the same Venn diagram. According to market research, 45 percent of baseball fans are women. But according to this headline and tweet about the show from The New York Times today, these groups are not compatible. “How will 'Pitch' cater to the hard-core baseball fan expecting authenticity while still appealing to women?” 

The response on Twitter to this click-baity and misleading tweet was swift and appropriately harsh. I had so many thoughts I considered breaking out the old blog for a post or doing a 5- or 6-part tweet rant about it. But then I read the article. The article talks about the inherent challenges of creating a show that is authentic for baseball fans — it’s produced, written and executed with MLB’s permission and input and at least one female baseball writer serves a consultant in the writer’s room — and also one that appeals to women, “whom Fox is depending on for much of its viewership.” 

Aha! Fox needs women to watch because it’s an entertainment company and women are important to primetime television ratings. But the tweet took that line, eliminated the context, and made it seem like the two groups couldn’t possibly be one and the same. And that’s pretty much a metaphor for everything that’s wrong with social media. We have a chance to engage in an open dialogue but 140 characters doesn’t leave any room for nuance or context. And the Times decided to forgo context for controversy. Because that’s what we do now. 

Will I watch "Pitch" when it premieres on Sept. 22? Absolutely. Will I be rooting for Ginny Baker to succeed with the Padres? Yes. Will I be interested to see how she delivers the screwball that got her to the majors? Definitely. Do I want to see how they integrate real baseball references and go “inside baseball” each week? Yup. And am I fascinated by the dramatic and romantic soap-opera type of storylines that make it appropriate for Thursday night prime time television? For sure. But maybe that’s just me. 

Stacey Gotsulias, @StaceyGots

The thing I'm most bothered by is the tweet that was attached to the NYT article about "Pitch." "How will 'Pitch' cater to the hard-core baseball fan expecting authenticity while still appealing to women?" Authenticity? Was everyone concerned about the authenticity of movies like "Little Big League" or "Rookie of the Year," which revolved around young boys managing and playing in the major leagues? Probably not. 

Also the implication that women and hardcore sports fans aren't one in the same is a tad disconcerting. And yes, I realize that a lot of women out there are not like me or my fellow women sports fans/writers, but I do wish that the media, and the public at large, would stop treating the woman sports fan as if she were a mythical creature. We do exist. And as for the "Will women gravitate to a show about sports?" question, I think they will if the story is good. And that's the key here: Waiting. I wish the media would abandon this practice of burying something before it even has a chance to air.

Alexandra Makal, @vodkalemonades

Talk to any female sports fan. It doesn’t matter what the area of interest is, from hockey to the high and mighty NFL, every single woman has hundreds of experiences where a man doubted her love of the game. They’ll ask you inane trivia questions that no one should know. Who hit into the most double plays in the year 1978? I don’t know, Eugene, and I don’t care. It happens to me nearly every bartending shift. More often than not, we let it roll off our backs. Enough.

Female representation in sports is so important. Young girls shouldn’t have to deal with the expected misogyny and sexist comments female sports writers and fans face every day when all they’re trying to do is watch the game they love. A show like “Pitch” shouldn’t be paraded around as a “BASEBALL FOR THE DUDES; SOAP OPERA FEEL FOR THE LADIES,” I’m going to check out “Pitch” because I grew up watching the Brewers in County Stadium. I can only hope it doesn’t interfere with my other lady shows. 

Kasey Beckham, @KyRedsGal

The NYT did one of two things: They either did that on purpose just to get the reaction it has or they did it out of ignorance. While neither is acceptable, if they did it out of ignorance, it makes it worse. The quote that stands out — "And how will it cater to the hard-core baseball fan expecting authenticity while still appealing to women, whom Fox is depending on for much of its viewership?" — pretty much epitomizes the stereotype that is so unfair. To suggest women can't be hardcore baseball, or any sport, fans is just downright false, nevermind insulting. 

Don't draw that line in the sand any more. It just isn't necessary. It never was. It also seems to draw attention away from what I would assume is the very point of the show, and that is women competing in an all-male sport. If a woman can't be a hardcore fan of said sport, why would she want to play it? That makes the assertion by the NYT even more ridiculous. I know as many women as I do men who can tell me Joey Votto's or Mike Trout's slashline. This is a fight no one should be starting in 2016. It's not a competition to see who can be more hardcore. It should be about loving our sport and enjoying its past and its future.

Hedda Spector, @heddaspector

In his review of the new television show "Pitch," John Koblin writes, "And how will it cater to the hard-core baseball fan expecting authenticity while still appealing to women, whom Fox is depending on for much of its viewership?"

Shame on you Mr. Koblin, The New York Times and Fox. I started watching baseball during the season of 1958. By the season of 1959 I became a hardcore fan. Like most of my generation, I learned baseball, and the love of the game, from my dad. There was nothing better than going to Yankee Stadium or Shea to watch a game with my dad. It was important to me that I marry someone who felt about baseball the way I do; 41 years ago I met and married such a man. We watch baseball together. I also will watch a game by myself. Women can and are just as hardcore baseball fans as men. When I asked my son who instilled in him his passion for baseball, he said, "You and Dad equally." Our son is the National Baseball Writer for Sporting News, Jesse Spector.

SN's Jesse Spector contributed.

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.