Nationals slide into trouble with complaints about Utley Rule application

Jesse Spector

Nationals slide into trouble with complaints about Utley Rule application image

NEW YORK — The problem with the interference call on Jayson Werth that short-circuited the Nationals’ attempt to rally in the ninth inning of their 9-7 loss to the Mets on Thursday night is not the application of Rule 6.01(j), the so-called Utley Rule. The problem is that it is about to be the All-Star break, and there is not clarity on how the rule is implemented.

The Nationals, starting with general manager Mike Rizzo reportedly getting into a verbal spat with umpire Jim Joyce after the game, and on down to manager Dusty Baker and Werth, were livid about what happened in a game that saw their lead in the National League East cut to three games. Before hearing their gripes, it is worth a refresher on what Rule 6.01(j) says.

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If a runner does not engage in a bona fide slide, and initiates (or attempts to make) contact with the fielder for the purpose of breaking up a double play, he should be called out for interference under this Rule 6.01. A “bona fide slide” for purposes of Rule 6.01 occurs when the runner:

(1) begins his slide (i.e., makes contact with the ground) before reaching the base;

(2) is able and attempts to reach the base with his hand or foot;

(3) is able and attempts to remain on the base (except home plate) after completion of the slide; and

(4) slides within reach of the base without changing his pathway for the sole purpose of initiating contact with a fielder

A runner who engages in a “bona fide slide” shall not be called for interference under this Rule 6.01, even in cases where the runner makes contact with the fielder as a consequence of a permissible slide. In addition, interference shall not be called when a runner’s contact with the fielder was caused by the fielder being positioned in (or moving into) the runner’s legal pathway to the base.

Notwithstanding the above, a slide shall not be a “bona fide slide” if a runner engages in a “roll block,” or intentionally initiates (or attempts to initiate) contact with the fielder by elevating and kicking his leg above the fielder’s knee or throwing his arm or his upper body.

If the umpire determines that the runner violated this Rule 6.01(j), the umpire shall declare both the runner and batter-runner out. Note, however, that if the runner has already been put out then the runner on whom the defense was attempting to make a play shall be declared out.

After Asdrubal Cabrera made a brilliant play to rob Daniel Murphy of a hit, he flipped to Neil Walker at second base to get a force on Werth, who started his slide too late, overslid second base and collided with Walker as he made the relay throw to first base.

Werth not being able, nor attempting, to remain on the base after completion of the slide meant that he did not engage in a bona fide slide. Because of that, when he initiated contact with Walker, Rule 6.01(j) was triggered. So, what was Werth’s complaint?

“It’s challenging, because on some level, I had the same slide earlier in the game,” Werth said, referring to a play in the fifth inning when he was not called for interference. “I talked to Marvin Hudson, the third base umpire, and we just talked about the slide rule, because it seems like everybody’s got a different take on it. It seems like it’s inconsistent as far as whether it’s the rule and how many times it’s been changed since the start of the season.”

The rule has been changed, at least officially, zero times.

“Guys say they changed the rule,” Werth said. “That was back in April, and we didn’t even know anything about changing the rule.”

Because the rule did not actually change.

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“Tonight, there were three slides at second that went past the bag,” Werth said. “After the first one, I asked Marvin, and Marvin said, you know, you’ve got to attempt to hold the bag. I said, ‘Oh, you don’t have to hold the bag? Alright.’ I thought that brought some clarity to the rule, and it turns out it went against me there in the ninth.”

Hudson’s explanation was correct, but incomplete. The runner has to attempt to stay on the base, but also be able to. On Werth’s slide in the ninth inning, he was not able to hold the base because he overslid it by too much to make it a possibility.

“To me, that’s a clean slide,” Werth said. “It’s been a clean slide for over 100 years.”

That line is claptrap. It was a clean slide for over 100 years until there was an explicit rule change made — that everybody knew about — before this season.

“There was no spikes involved, and I was down early,” Werth said. “The only difference between the three slides tonight that went past the bag is that there was contact on that one.”

Well, yes. That is the difference, and that is the reason Werth was called for interference. The rule is explicit in saying that interference is called when the runner initiates contact and does not make a bona fide slide. The involvement of Werth’s spikes is irrelevant. Werth getting down early — which he didn’t actually do anyway — is irrelevant.

“If the rule is just that you can’t make contact, then Major League Baseball needs to clarify that,” Werth said.

It is the 18th word of the rule, and Werth’s argument is as invalid as his slide. What did Baker have to offer?

“I don’t know how you teach young players now to break up a double play,” the manager said. “There’s no such thing as breaking up a double play.”

That’s not entirely true. Contact is still allowed when the slide is legal. The point is to teach runners to slide to the base, because this is supposed to be a non-contact sport anyway.

“I was talking to Chris Speier the other day, and he was just saying how easy it would have been, in the day he played, when you can’t slide hard into the bag,” Baker said.

You can slide hard into the bag. Slide as hard as you want into the bag. You cannot slide hard into a middle infielder’s legs.

“What are you going to do, just give them a double play?” Baker said.

Yes? And for what it’s worth, if Werth had made a clean slide, the Mets never would have gotten a double play, and Bryce Harper would have batted as the potential tying run against Jeurys Familia.

“It’s going to rear its ugly head in the playoffs or World Series,” Baker said. “You’d hate to have a call like that decide whether you go to the World Series or whether you win the World Series.”

You’d hate to have a call like that go against you because your team’s baserunner was reckless, but it’s a lot easier to be on board with a call made right to the letter of the rulebook than it is to have someone’s playoff or World Series fate decided by a called strike that technology clearly shows to be a ball. The Nationals can be as upset as they want to be, but Rule 6.01(j) is clearly written. If teams or players are not clear on that by now, it's too bad.

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"I think the crews are as confused as we are," Baker said. "Heck, man, we've got to get this straight. It's terrible."

The umpires did not seem confused as they enforced the rules as written. The only terrible thing was the Nationals coming out on the wrong end of it.

"Last time, I was told it was going to be a common sense-type thing, if there's no play at first base," Baker said. "My contention was he would've beat the throw no matter what. Jim said, 'The rules are the rules.'"

Joyce is completely right. The rules are the rules. It's the umpires' job to enforce them, and if Rule 6.01(j) is where we're finally starting to see that happen instead of the many other parts of the rulebook that are fudged for interpretation, so much the better for the game.

Jesse Spector