MLB's new slide rule brings crucial clarity to ambiguous policy

Jesse Spector

MLB's new slide rule brings crucial clarity to ambiguous policy image

The best rules are ones that are clear and leave little room for interpretation. Such rules are the foundation of baseball and the reason the game works.

Here are some examples.

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Rule 1.05: The objective of each team is to win by scoring more runs than the opponent.

Rule 5.09(e): When three offensive players are legally put out, that team takes the field and the opposing team becomes the offensive team.

Rule 6.04(b): Players in uniform shall not address or mingle with spectators, nor sit in the stands before, during, or after a game. No manager, coach or player shall address any spectator before or during a game. Players of opposing teams shall not fraternize at any time while in uniform.

OK, so the last part of Rule 6.04(b) is never enforced, either in batting practice or when baserunners have conversations with first basemen during games, but the point is that rules should be clear and establish a consistent way that the game is played.

The counterpoint is the strike zone, which varies from umpire to umpire based on each arbiter’s interpretation of the rules and creates more controversy on a daily basis than anything in baseball. Maybe the only thing like it in sports is the NFL’s fuzzy definition of a catch, and you see where that leads.

Not everything can be cut and dry, of course, because that’s just not how things work. There are judgment calls — the word “judgment” appears 73 times in the major league rulebook — and that is why there are umpires on the field and not robots. The goal, in those cases, is to get as close as possible to a set standard, because it’s best to be consistent in the way the rules are applied. 

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In that way, Major League Baseball’s new rule on slides is a success. There already was a rule on the books about runners interfering with double play attempts. Rule 6.01(a)(5) says it is interference when “Any batter or runner who has just been put out, or any runner who has just scored, hinders or impedes any following play being made on a runner. Such runner shall be declared out for the interference of his teammate.” The new rule, Rule 6.01(j) seeks to clarify that.

Under Rule 6.01(j), runners’ slides are mandated, not only at second base, but on any attempt to break up a double play. The rule states that a runner who initiates or attempts to make contact with the fielder should be called for interference if he “does not engage in a bona fide slide.”

There are four elements to a bona fide slide: beginning to slide before reaching the base, having an ability and making an attempt to reach the base, having an ability and making an attempt to remain on the base and sliding within reach of the base without changing paths for the purpose of initiating contact.

The first and last parts of the rule are concrete. The middle two parts are open to judgment, but especially with replay, it’s possible to discern whether an attempt has been made by a runner to reach and remain on the base.

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On Tuesday night, Jose Bautista fell short of the requirement to make an attempt to remain on the base. As he slid toward second base, he reached out his left arm toward Rays second baseman Logan Forsythe’s leg, while also reaching his right arm across his body and facing his back to the base. That was the abandonment of the pretense of remaining on the base, so when Bautista clipped Forsythe’s leg, that contact, combined with the failure to complete a bona fide slide, made interference an easy call.

If Major League Baseball did a poor job explaining this to players, that is an entirely different problem, but the rule, as it is written, is delightfully short on gray areas and lets it be known that reckless play will not be tolerated in a way that the open-to-interpretation previous state of affairs did.

Some people, particularly former players, recoil at the notion of baseball becoming soft as a result of this rule. Having watched serious injuries last year to Jung Ho Kang and Ruben Tejada, this resistance is difficult to stomach. Nobody is saying that hard slides aren’t part of the game. They are.

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Chase Utley’s slide into Derek Norris at home plate on opening day was fine — he went for the base and made it a tougher play for the Padres’ catcher when the play was in question. Utley’s slide into Tejada last October is the reason that the new rule is commonly known as the Utley Rule, and he was criticized in some circles for not changing his ways when he went hard at Norris, but if anything, he proved that it’s possible to still go hard while playing within the rules.

What there should be no room for in the rules is players going out of their way to make physical contact and increase the risk of injury. Bautista’s play was very low on the spectrum of such contact, but he did make contact and he did fail to make a bona fide slide. The call was right, and the rule works as intended.

Tuesday night’s incident left Blue Jays catcher Russell Martin asking, “The next time I go into second base, what do I do?” The answer now should be clear: slide into second base. After all, it’s right there in Rule 1.04: “When a batter becomes a runner and touches all bases legally he shall score one run for his team.” The objective of the baserunner is to get to the base.​

Jesse Spector