MLB's rookie hazing was a dumb ritual that needed to go away

Jason Foster

MLB's rookie hazing was a dumb ritual that needed to go away image

Here's what bothered me most about baseball's rookie-hazing tradition: It was another example of athletes operating as though they live outside the basic norms of society.

And baseball, for whatever reason, is the one sport where this stuff is most visible and most defended. For all its bluster about being a gentleman's game that must be respected (or else!), baseball sure has had an affinity for punishment and humiliation in the name of "team."

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Thankfully, part of this should go away because of a new Anti-Hazing and Anti-Bullying Policy, which prohibits "requiring, coercing or encouraging" players from "dressing up as women or wearing costumes that may be offensive to individuals based on their race, sex, nationality, age, sexual orientation, gender identify or other characteristic."

Good for MLB and the Players' Association for stopping this pointless and immature endeavor.

Naturally, though, the change has produced mixed reactions. Some former players say the ritual is a misunderstood rite of passage, by which no harm is intended, designed to bond the team and, in theory, lead to better results on the field. Others, including Mets GM Sandy Alderson, a former Marine, say the acts amount to sanctioned humiliation that serves no purpose other than allowing veterans to get their jollies by forcing rookies dress up or do other things for their amusement. 

But a culture shift within the game appears to be underway. That the MLBPA approved the new rule shows that support for these rituals among current players is far from unanimous. MLB vice president Paul Misfud even said that "a number of players have complained about" the hazing, which has included rookies being forced to wear tutus, cheerleader costumes or dress as female super heroes. 

Yes, baseball is a unique workplace. But it's not that unique. Some things traditionally seen as normal and harmless in baseball would be viewed as fireable and borderline criminal in most other legitimate workplace settings.

After all, baseball is probably the only workplace in the world where it's OK, even encouraged, to physically hurt someone for being too successful and/or for showing emotion after a personal accomplishment. A guy hits two homers in his first two at-bats? Drill him in the back to let him know enough is enough. A guy flips his bat after a monster homer? Drill him in the ribs next time. He needs to be taught a lesson.

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No, there aren't other legitimate jobs that allow physical punishment when a worker does his job well. And there are no other legitimate jobs that allow for retaliation when a competitor "embarrasses" or "shows up" someone. (If another writer breaks a story or writes a column that gets better readership, then publicly celebrates it, I'm not allowed to throw my laptop in retaliation. "Do your job better!" would be the direction from my bosses.)

Likewise, there are no other legitimate jobs that officially promote public hazing of new employees as a "rite of passage," then broadcast that hazing proudly on social media. That's because the rest of world realizes this is pointless and dumb.

Welcome aboard, Bob. Before you get started, we're gonna need you to put on this dress and walk to Starbucks to buy everyone coffee. Don't complain. It's just part of our culture.

Frank, you've been a great addition to the team. But, as all new hires are required to do, you have to wear this Dora the Explorer backpack to lunch every day for a week. Don't complain. It's just part of our culture.

Great job on that report, Steve! When we fly to Phoenix tomorrow for the big meeting, you'll be wearing this cheerleader outfit. Don't complain. It's just part of our culture.

Of course, the popular retort is, "You never played the game!" (I can't wait for the emails and social media messages!) This is what I mean about acting as though athletes exist outside social norms. I've also never been a teacher, or a cop, or a pastor, but that doesn't mean they should be immune to criticism when they do stupid things (just as that doesn't stop outsiders from criticizing the media when we do stupid things).

I get it: Baseball is not a "normal" job, but that doesn't mean the way its employees are treated should be any different than in any other office. Yes, there's probably a lot more horseplay or locker room talk, but, beyond that, a normal, common-sense rule should apply: Don't force coworkers to do things. That's How to Treat People 101.

The point of hazing is initiation through embarrassment or fear that, somehow, for some reason, is supposed to bring everyone together. That seems like wishful justification. But does it work? Depends on who you ask.

"Whichever side of the argument you’re on, you can find research to support your opinion," said Kevin Burke, a sports-psychology professor and consultant at Queens University in Charlotte. 

Because different people have different definitions of what constitutes hazing, it's hard to clearly determine benefits or drawbacks, Burke said. 

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For example, is having rookies carry veterans' luggage a demeaning exercise or is it a way for them to show teammates that they know their place and don't see themselves as bigger than the team?

"It’ll be interesting to see how far the (MLB) policy goes in the future," said Burke, who is also an SN contributor. "... Even if they said no hazing whatsoever, I don’t think it’s ever going to stop. Some of the hazing will probably go underground, so to speak."

Tradition is a powerful thing, he said. 

"Trying to break a sports tradition can be extremely difficult," Burke said. "Trying to bring rules to cover these things can be tricky."

Fair enough. But it seems to me there's nothing gained by making a rookie put on a dress. There's no growth as a man or as a human. There's no proving of ability. It's simply done for the amusement of veteran teammates. 

This doesn't happen in real-world jobs. This only happens in places where participants have furthered a culture in which they see themselves as different or entitled. It's dumb in college fraternities. It's dumb in the military. And it's dumb in sports. I get the argument; I just disagree.

There probably won't be any noticeable on-field difference after these rituals are gone. That's not that point. The point is that baseball players — and all athletes — should be expected to act like everyone else. 

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.