Unlike Curt Schilling, Trevor Bauer isn't a jobless has-been with ketchup on his sock

Jesse Spector

Unlike Curt Schilling, Trevor Bauer isn't a jobless has-been with ketchup on his sock image

TORONTO — Curt Schilling, the former baseball player, has had a rough go of things. His video game business failed. He lost his job. He embarrassed himself on social media by falling for a fake news story about the Pope endorsing Donald Trump. He defended his Nazi memorabilia collection. And on Monday night, he showed just how out of touch he is with baseball today.

Schilling, you may remember from his long-ago days as a baseball player, once had a memorable moment in the ALCS. It was Game 6 in 2004 when Schilling pitched seven innings at Yankee Stadium in a 4-1 win for the Red Sox after some ketchup dripped off his pregame hot dog and splattered on his ankle, staining his uniform.

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Schilling, a sad, insecure, overgrown child whose current business appears to be selling T-shirts emblazoned with Heinz hosiery, still will take time out between posting James O’Keefe videos to send you a photo of the stitches on his ankle from 12 years ago if you dare say that it was ketchup on his sock that night.

Maybe the funniest thing about this, if there’s anything funny about Schilling at this point, is that because he lives in a world of conspiracy theories and cover-ups, he feels the need to break out that photo — although, to be fair and balanced, there’s no proof that it’s actually a photo of Schilling’s ankle and not a medical school cadaver’s ankle that’s been sliced up and sewn back together.

But this isn’t about Schilling’s nice night (game score 69, Internet high five!) in New York back in 2004. It’s about Monday, when blood in the ALCS became relevant again as Cleveland starter Trevor Bauer sprung a leak in the first inning. Naturally, people started talking about Schilling and the sock. Schilling, as he does, got MAD ONLINE!

Yes, Bauer hurt himself dicking around with a drone, it’s true. That’s his hobby, and it is generally harmless. Had Bauer cut himself working on the engine of his pickup truck on his day off, or gutting a fish, or mounting a deer head on his wall, would anyone have had anything but sympathy for the guy?

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Guess what? Bauer’s teammates were behind him all the way. They saw a guy who got hurt in a freak accident, working hard and doing his best for his team.

“You have Bauer with all that heart going out there, and you saw the blood dripping, and him not really wanting to come out, either,” said Cleveland outfielder Coco Crisp. “I have a lot of respect for that. So that situation ended up being a bullpen day today for us. They had experience doing it during the regular season and it paid off.”

“Trevor tried to gut it out, and it was unfortunate he wasn’t able to stick out there,” said Andrew Miller, a day or two away from being named ALCS MVP. “He had great stuff. They just couldn’t fix him up.”

There probably were some Cleveland players who were frustrated by Bauer hurting himself in an off-the-field incident, because in a group of 25 people, there are going to be different opinions. But they stuck by him. And Cleveland’s fans have stuck by him. And while Schilling may have gone seven innings, with Bauer needing to come out after two-thirds of a frame because he was going to bleed all over the baseball, Bauer has one thing that Schilling never will: the ability to laugh at himself.

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In the clubhouse after Monday night’s game, I was asking Jeff Manship, one of the Cleveland relievers, if he’d seen the blood dripping from Bauer’s hand.

“I was in the bullpen, so not really up close, but I saw it a little bit on the TV,” Manship said. “But I was asking him, and he said, yeah, it was like squirting blood.”

“Yeah,” I said. “There was a Vine, so you can loop it infinitely.”

What I didn’t realize was who was in the next locker over.

“I know,” Bauer said. “I saw it.”

And then he took to Twitter himself.

Schilling, meanwhile, went back to getting duped by online hoaxes.

You’d think Schilling would be more careful about vetting his retweets. There’s a lot of questionable stuff online. Like, I just read that Curt Schilling pitched Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS after some ketchup dripped off his pregame hot dog and splattered on his ankle, staining his uniform. That can’t be true. Can it?

Jesse Spector