Mike Trout joins MLB players in voicing frustration over Rob Manfred's handling of lockout

Joe Rivera

Mike Trout joins MLB players in voicing frustration over Rob Manfred's handling of lockout image

It might be a different sport, but Rob Manfred was getting dunked on all Tuesday afternoon.

MLB owners bear most of the blame for the loss of games this upcoming season — well, if one ever takes place — and the players are letting it be known that they are disappointed with the league's commissioner and the process that led to this point.

The MLB Players Association released a brutal statement condemning the outcome of negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement. It put the blame squarely on the league and claimed that the owners' goal is to break the union:

The MLBPA's statement in full: 

Rob Manfred and MLB's owners have cancelled the start of the season. Players and fans around the world who love baseball are disgusted, but sadly not surprised.

From the beginning of these negotiations, Players' objectives have been consistent — to promote competition, provide fair compensation for young Players, and to uphold the integrity of our market system. Against the backdrop of growing revenues and record profits, we are seeking nothing more than a fair agreement.

What Rob Manfred characterized as a "defensive lockout" is, in fact, the culmination of a decades-long attempt by owners to break our Player fraternity. As in the past, this effort will fail. We are united and committed to negotiating a fair deal that will improve the sport for Players, fans and everyone who loves our game.

MORE: MLB lockout news and updates

Players have reinforced the idea that they're ready to play and stay at the negotiating table to get a deal done, but talks are stalled for the time being.

Needless to say, the scathing statement was representative of a lot of the players' emotions and feelings Tuesday. Plenty of players made their distaste for the day's proceedings and the negotiations and the commissioner known on the tweet machine:

Mike Trout, one of the faces of the league, took a more measured, but pointed approach when vocalizing his displeasure. 

Talks are expected to continue this week, but if Tuesday's acrimony is any indicator, we may be without the sweet sounds of baseball for a long, long time.

Joe Rivera