Baseball's rumored lockout couldn't come at a worse time

Jason Foster

Baseball's rumored lockout couldn't come at a worse time image

Don't do it, MLB. Not after that great season. Not after that classic World Series. Not after giving all those casual fans a reason to stick around.

Please, owners and players, don't shoot yourselves in the foot. The wound might take longer to heal than you think.

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We'll likely know by Thursday whether baseball will face its first work stoppage since 1994. That's the deadline for a new collective bargaining agreement, and the rumor is that the owners are prepared to lock the players out until some sticking points get ironed out. Negotiations are ongoing, but make no mistake: This is serious. A lockout now, or anytime in the foreseeable future, would come at the worst possible time for baseball — and potentially bring lasting damage.

Baseball can't afford that right now, because baseball finally feels like a big deal again.

A work stoppage would be bad. Not only because the usual winter activity of trades and signings would come to a halt, but any threat of a delayed or, heaven forbid, canceled season will only drudge up those long-suppressed memories of 1994, when an August strike led to the cancellation of the postseason and ultimately produced a truncated 1995 season — and soured millions of fans in such a way that it took a few years before things felt normal again.

For the first time in a long time, baseball seemed to gain national momentum as the 2016 season neared its conclusion. This was helped a lot by a memorable playoff race and historic postseason that ended with the feel-good Cubs winning their first championship in 108 years. It also coincided with growing dissatisfaction with the NFL, the King of All Sports, brought on by poor play, player protests and more, and evidenced by a significant ratings dip that would've been a silly thought a couple of years ago.

The more optimistic observers, including player-turned-analyst Alex Rodriguez, opined that this had positioned baseball oh-so-close to overtaking football and becoming the true national pastime again. 

"I will say for the first time there’s an opening," A-Rod told Sporting News during the NLCS. "It’s up to us to take advantage of it."

A lockout would be the opposite of taking advantage of it.

Though Rodriguez's point is debatable, the evidence that birthed the discussion is undeniable: Baseball was cool again in 2016.

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An uptick in regular-season TV ratings, combined with historically good ratings during the World Series, offered plenty of evidence that, even without a Face of the Game to drive marketing, baseball can and has pulled in fans by simply offering a compelling product — one that, while far from perfect, gave sports fans a nice reprieve from constant off-field distractions about deflated footballs, concussions and a contentious presidential campaign. 

But it wasn't just the usual die-hards who cared about baseball in 2016. Casual fans, who perhaps left die-hard status after 1994, paid a lot more attention last season while others, who perhaps didn't care much for baseball before, got caught up and saw just how good the sport can be at its best.

Even if the Cubs Effect drove most of the interest, a solid foundation was laid to seize the momentum for 2017 and beyond. The enthusiasm for baseball at the end of the World Series was perhaps higher than it's been in nearly 20 years. For the first time in decades, it wasn't insane to think baseball could legitimately compete with football and the NBA to rule America's sports consciousness. 

Now, a month later, we face the possibility of baseball pulling the rug out from under everyone again, ripping open those 1994 scars we thought had healed, and asking us regular folks to please understand and relate to the details of why these rich people are unhappy. But fans ultimately don't care who's at fault; they only want the problem(s) fixed quickly.

If the negotiations stall and a lockout of any real length happens, whatever momentum, goodwill and interest baseball earned in 2016 will be gone. It won't give sports fans a new place to divert their attention. It'll only give everyone a new sport about which to complain. Baseball will become part of the problem, part of the reason why many sports fans have become cynical and turned off.

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If this sounds like hyperbole, perhaps you're too young to remember the 1994 aftermath, or perhaps you're engaging in revisionist history or just wishful thinking. 

It's possible that a prolonged stoppage could end up having a worse effect than in 1994. Entertainment options have proliferated in the past 22 years. There's so much more competing for our attention. Any void created by baseball's absence could be filled quickly, perhaps irrevocably for many. 

It's also possible, perhaps probable, that the lockout talk is just posturing. It's possible, perhaps probable, a work stoppage would be short-lived. But for those who've experienced baseball dead time, the thought of a lockout should be sobering, and the prospect of significant lost time shouldn't be dismissed simply as negative thinking.

Because if recent events in the U.S. have taught us anything about reading the proverbial tea leaves, it's that we're often not prepared for unexpected outcomes.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.