Rob Dibble: Instant replay helps players by increasing fairness, drama

Rob Dibble

Rob Dibble: Instant replay helps players by increasing fairness, drama image

Most of the time when MLB wants to change something about the way the game is played or make a rule change — or this year expand its replay system — you hear from more than just a few critics whine and complain.

"Oh no, it's going to slow down the game."

"Oh no, managers aren't going to be able to argue anymore, kick dirt and just make complete fools of themselves."

I've also heard a few folks talk about glitches and hiccups.

Let's talk about other sports for a second. The NFL started replay back in 1986, and almost every other sport on the planet — from tennis to cricket to even rodeo — now have some form of replay.

The NFL has the official go under a hood (like old-school picture taking) and, after a few drama-filled minutes, come back and give a decision. It's great theatre and, even after almost 30 years, it still has bugs and critics. But — and it's a big but — the NFL replay system is used to make sure both teams have a fair chance to win the contest.

The NHL, the NBA and the NFL all have had defining moments when replay ensured the right call was made.

To me, it's way more than simply doing replay because you have the technology; it's about getting calls right; it's about keeping sports on an even playing field. Isn't that why MLB has the most stringent PED-testing program, isn't it about the integrity of the game? Bud's words, not mine.

At first I didn't like the idea of replay because MLB has always had the best officials in sports. I should know, I pissed off most of them in my playing career and they still never held a grudge.

Also, of the tens of thousands of calls they make every season, only a few are missed (of course people go nuts about those few bad calls). I really would never want someone judging the work of the umpires. But I'm way cool with the new system because all MLB umpires will take turns manning the headquarters in New York where every game is being watched in one room.

To my earlier point about why you play, let me do my best Herm Edwards right here: "You play to win...the game." That's it. Get it right, keep it fair, maybe create a little drama along the way. It would have been awesome to have replay in my day. More time for me to stomp around the mound and spit and cuss and do more entertaining.

The system's not perfect. As you move forward, tighten up the loose ends. Like maybe umps can only challenge after the seventh inning, But just like when I was an active player, if it took five or 10 hours to win a game, that's all that matters: Anything that gets me closer to winning the last game of the season.

I will finish my thought this week with this story: Once while my Reds and I were playing the Padres, a rule was challenged by their manager, and I was forced to take off my ripped jersey because it's was not legal. I was allowed to borrow my pitching coach's jersey (the one and only Stan Williams). I finished the game, got the save and we won the game. The delay took maybe five to 10 minutes.

Was it worth it?  ... Of course!

Two-time National League All-Star and veteran broadcaster Rob Dibble is a Sporting News contributor. Follow the 1990 NLCS MVP on Twitter: ‏@robdibble49.

Rob Dibble