No, the coronavirus study MLB signed up for won't speed baseball's return

Tom Gatto

No, the coronavirus study MLB signed up for won't speed baseball's return image

MLB players and team employees are taking part this week in a first-of-its-kind coronavirus study out of California, ESPN's Jeff Passan reported Tuesday. Researchers are trying to determine where the virus has spread in the United States by testing participants for antibodies in their blood.

People who just read the tweet of the source report and saw "tests" may have thought that this is a "Get Baseball Out of Quarantine" card. It is not.

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To keep everyone's attention here, let's be brief: This is not a backdoor attempt to resume baseball activities this month by replacing the actual COVID-19 test with something else.

"MLB did not partner with us for any selfish reason to get their sport back sooner. They jumped in for public health policy. That was their intention and their only intention," Dr. Daniel Eichner told Passan. Eichner is president of the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory, which is conducting the survey with Stanford University and USC. Passan noted that Eichner has worked with MLB previously on anti-doping testing.

Less generous readers would say that MLB is not being altruistic, even if it doesn't have to pay to be part of the study. (Passan reports donors are funding it.) Commissioner Rob Manfred told Fox Business on Tuesday that baseball will return when public health has improved enough for games to be played safely. It makes sense for the industry to assist in anything that might reduce the wait.

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But there's no guarantee the survey results will lead to better protective measures. For now, the researchers will collect the results of the approximately 10,000 blood tests distributed to MLB personnel (The Athletic reported 27 of the 30 MLB clubs are participating), crunch the numbers and then prepare a report on the study for peer review as early as next week.

"My ambition is to have these kinds of tests going on in every community in a meaningful way," Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a professor of medicine at Stanford, told Passan. He noted the importance of MLB having a role in the survey, and then added this, which concluded Passan's long story:

"It's not the end of the testing. In my view, it's the beginning."

In other words, this isn't a quick fix.

People who got their hopes up after reading less than the top line of the original story might feel disappointed or angry if they ever read more. Sorry, but this study isn't magically bringing baseball back.

Tom Gatto

Tom Gatto Photo

Tom Gatto joined The Sporting News as a senior editor in 2000 after 12 years at The Herald-News in Passaic, N.J., where he served in a variety of roles including sports editor, and a brief spell at in New York, where he worked as a syndication editor. He is a 1986 graduate of the University of South Carolina.