No, Jose Reyes didn't hit the cover off a ball (UPDATE: Yes, he did)

Jason Foster

No, Jose Reyes didn't hit the cover off a ball (UPDATE: Yes, he did) image

Call me a skeptic, call me a buzzkill, call me a de-romanticizer of baseball. But, no, Jose Reyes did not hit the cover off the ball Friday night. (UPDATE: He kinda did.)

Despite what you may have heard or read to the contrary on the ol' interwebs, Reyes' feat barely qualifies as, well, a feat. Maybe a feat of his feet, or foot. More on that in a minute. (UPDATE: Nah.)

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Let's examine what happened.

— Reyes takes a hack at an 0-2 pitch from Nationals righty A.J. Cole. (UPDATE: Still true.)

— He fouls the ball off either his foot or the ground close to his foot. (UPDATE: Still true.)

— The ball spins in place, Hokey-Pokey-style, then comes to a stop to reveal that a small portion of its hide has ripped. (UPDATE: Still true.)

Watch it all unfold here and we'll discuss further.

Yes, technically Reyes is responsible for the cover coming off the ball. But it almost certainly didn't happen when it made contact with his bat. (UPDATE: It did.) Roy Hobbs he's not. (UPDATE: Still true.)

A more likely scenario is that the ball made contact with Reyes' spikes when he fouled it off. (UPDATE: Good theory, but false.) Or perhaps it made contact with the ground in just the right place to cause the horsehide to rip. (UPDATE: See previous update). Also possible: The hide already had a small, unnoticed tear, and the foul-off enabled it to become worse. (UPDATE: Still possible.)

This is all to say that the whole thing was really just a quirk. (UPDATE: Still mostly a quirk.) Randy Newman can put down the baton. (UPDATE: Mr. Newman could not be reached.)

See? Buzzkill (UPDATE: A buzzkill who was wrong.).

Turns out, slow-motion video evidence shows it apparently was the bat. He caught the ball of the tip, which was apparently just the right place to rip the hide. Oh, well. But Mr. Newman can still take the night off. 

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.