Jose Fernandez's death brings back painful memories for Mike Hargrove

Ryan Fagan

Jose Fernandez's death brings back painful memories for Mike Hargrove image

The worst moment in Indians franchise history happened during spring training in 1993.

Pitchers Steve Olin and Tim Crews were killed in a nighttime boating accident on Little Lake Nellie, which is about 45 minutes west of Orlando, Florida, when Crews’ bass boat slammed into a dock that extended far out into the water. Olin died instantly. Crews died at the hospital the next morning. Bob Ojeda, the other passenger in the boat, suffered a severe scalp laceration when his head hit the dock, but was eventually OK after a stay in the hospital. 

Mike Hargrove was the manager of that Indians squad. Like everyone associated with that team — players, coaches, front-office types and especially fans — the news of Jose Fernandez’s tragic death in a boating accident on Sunday brought painful memories rushing back. 

“My first reaction was that I got real sick to my stomach,” Hargrove told Sporting News. “I think that’s probably left over. It drug up all those memories, and they weren’t fun memories.”

MORE: Notable sports deaths of 2016

In an effort to find some perspective on how a team can possibly cope with an unthinkable tragedy, I reached out to Hargrove and spoke with him on the phone Monday night. He was generous with his time and memories. 

SPORTING NEWS: I wanted to talk with you, because obviously you have a unique perspective with what happened that spring training. What do you think about when you think back to how that boating accident impacted your team that year? 

HARGROVE: I haven’t really given a whole lot of thought about how it impacted the team. I think that we were presented with a situation that we all needed to be very sensitive about and not trivialize at all, and let people grieve in their own ways and on their own time. We weren’t really very good as a team then, so we were trying to get better, and so I don’t really remember so much about how it impacted the team. 

SN: When you say you haven’t thought about that spring training too much, is that intentional? 

HARGROVE: No, I don’t think it’s intentional. I’m not afraid to think about it. I think about a lot of things that aren’t a lot of fun to remember. But I really never was asked, or really never explored the answer to that question, how it impacted us. We had time, because it happened in spring training, to get as close to back to even as we could. And we didn’t get there for a long, long, long time, until deep into the season.

But we certainly didn’t have to go out and compete the way the Marlins are having to do. That’s a real tough thing. We kind of had time to get back. It took a long time, a lot longer than spring training, I guarantee you that. 

SN: Was there a point, and I don’t want to say this the wrong way, but was there a point where it felt like you accepted it as a team? Did that ever really happen?

HARGROVE: I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t know that you ever really accept it. You bury those emotions.

They say that time heals all wounds, but it doesn’t. It just scabs over and gets scratched off every now and then. Here it is, what, 23 years later, and it feels like yesterday. It seems as fresh as it did the day it happened. I don’t think we ever accepted it. I think we came to grips with it and realized there was nothing we could do to change anything, that we’d just to try and make the best of a bad situation. 

Our focus, with (GM) John Hart and (assistant GM) Dan O’Dowd, (director of player development) Mark Shapiro and myself, my coaches and the players, everybody involved, our No. 1 thoughts for a long time were with Steve and Patti’s kids, and her folks and his folks, and with Laurie Crews and the Crews family. That was a big concern of ours for a long time. 

SN: How did you find out about the accident? 

HARGROVE: I was sitting down to supper at night, and I got a phone call from my strength coach, Fernando Montes, telling me what had happened and where they were. And (pitching coach) Rick Adair and I got in the car, with our wives, and drove out to the Crews home on Little Lake Nellie, and then John and Danny showed up not long after we did. And then we went on from there, John and Danny and Rick and I, went on over to see Bobby Ojeda, who was in the hospital there in Clermont, I think. He was all bandaged up, and we visited with him just for a little bit, just to let him know he wasn’t alone. Then we went to the trauma center in Orlando to visit, to see if we could see Tim. We weren’t allowed to do that, but we did see his folks and talk with them and his mom and dad’s family. 

SN: Do you remember what you said to the team the first time everyone was together?

HARGROVE: We got back to the ballpark, I want to say around 6 that next morning. None of us went to bed or had slept. My first memory was walking up to the clubhouse door, knowing all the players were in there waiting and having no clue what I was going to say or do. I mean, none. I reached out for the doorknob — now, I’m not trying to convert people, but this is just what happened — and I said a little prayer, asked God to help me because I had no clue what I was going to do or say. But I knew whatever it was I was going to say, it was going to be important, so I said, “I have no idea what to say. Please help.” 

And I opened that door, walked in and the players were sitting by their lockers, and I had the idea. Everybody brought their chairs up and we got in a great big group. I sat my chair in the middle of the group and sat down and started talking. I talked as long as I could, until I couldn’t talk anymore. It was a really emotional deal. And when I couldn’t say anything else, one of the players picked up and started talking. And it went on like that for, hell, I want to say it went on like that for an hour, an hour-and-a-half to two hours. We all just sat around and talked and relived memories and talked about our responsibilities and how important we realized our families are to us. Just the things you don’t really sit around and talk about when you get a group of men together, especially highly competitive men.

SN: That’s amazing. I really appreciate the time, Mike. Anything else you think I should know?  

HARGROVE: I don’t really know. I don’t. I wish I had some words of wisdom for you and for everybody else who’s having to go through this right now. It’s just a tough thing. 

Don Mattingly’s a good man. Donny’s a good man, and a good manager. He will do the right things and say the right things because of who he is. I firmly believe that. We’re all put in certain situations for a reason, and goodness knows what the reason is for this, but Donny will do well. He’ll help a lot of people. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.