MLB refutes Jenrry Mejia claims after pitcher says he'll fight lifetime ban

Joe Rodgers

MLB refutes Jenrry Mejia claims after pitcher says he'll fight lifetime ban image

Major League Baseball isn't going to lift former Mets pitcher Jenrry Mejia's lifetime ban for PED use anytime soon and won't stand to be disrespected while doing so. 

Mejia, who failed three tests for PEDs in a 10-month timeframe, held a news conference on Friday with his lawyer, who blamed his client's recent positive drug test on MLB and their “dirty cop tactics."

MORE: Notable players suspended for PEDs | Best players ever, by the numbers

“Mr. Mejia was told ... if he did not provide testimony on a particular player they wanted to investigate, they would go out of their way to find him positive a third time,” Mejia's lawyer, Vincent White said. “You can’t pressure someone and say we’ll take away your livelihood if you don’t give me the people I want. Frankly, he didn’t even have that information. He couldn’t even give them what they want and they were still ready to take away his livelihood.”

In a statement Friday, MLB boldly denied Mejia and his lawyer's allegations, calling them “wild” and “unsupported.”

"As we have said before, no representatives of Major League Baseball met or spoke with Jenrry Mejia regarding any of his drug violations," the statement read. "In fact, MLB coordinates all 40-man roster player interviews with the MLBPA and they are present at the interview as the player's union representative. 

“Sadly, the comments made by Mr. Mejia and his representatives today continue a pattern of athletes hiring aggressive lawyers and making wild, unsupported allegations about the conduct of others in an effort to clear their names.  Mr. Mejia’s record demonstrates that he was a repeated user of banned performance-enhancing substances.  As such, per our collectively bargained rules, he has no place as an active player in the game today.”

According to the rules of the collective bargaining agreement, Mejia must enter into arbitration with MLB, but the terms make it unlikely that the ban would be reversed, either via arbitration or a judge in a court of law.

Joe Rodgers