Is Derek Jeter really the 'fraud' Chris Carlin says he is?


Is Derek Jeter really the 'fraud' Chris Carlin says he is? image

Is Chris Carlin right that Derek Jeter is a fraud? originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and get insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Answer by John DeMarchi, 18 years for multiple digital media organizations

SNY’s Carlin Torches Jeter: ‘This Clown Is A Fraud, And You Are All Suckers’

Jeter is an all-time great Yankee; you can't "fake" 3,400-plus hits and a .310 lifetime average; a career 115 OPS+; five titles; the class he displayed for years under the glare of the NYC spotlight. Derek Jeter Statistics and History.

The guy was the biggest star in the biggest market for 20 years, and he was a great player who never embarrassed his team on or off the field.

Think that's nothing? Tell it to A-Rod. Tell it to Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa . . . or tell it to star athletes like Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, etc.

The fact that Jeter dominated in the PED/Steroid Era of baseball, without ever being tainted by even the suspicion that he cheated, only elevates his legend.

Remember when shortstops all started jacking 30 homers a season out of nowhere because of PEDs? All those guys came and went; Jeter endured without cheating — which could not have been easy.

Is Jeter overrated at all? That's a different question, and it depends on what metrics you like to use.

WAR (wins above replacement player) is an extremely popular statistic right now — Jeter's career comes in around 71, with very similar players being Rafael Palmeiro, Frank Thomas, Jim Thome and Larry Walker. Career leaders and records for Wins Above Replacement

Thomas is a Hall of Famer. Thome will be. Palmeiro would have been except for his association with PEDs. Walker is a borderline Hall of Famer only because he never won anything — his stats were good enough. So that's the "company" No. 2 keeps, in terms of WAR, and it seems about right.

His place in baseball, however, is elevated beyond that. People are romanticizing his career as if he were Ruth or Aaron or Williams or Gehrig . . . and that's a little too much, at least for non-Yankees fans.

And you can see why. A bigger deal is made of Jeter than say, is made of Ken Griffey, Jr., Greg Maddux, Randy Johnson, Albert Pujols — who clearly have had/are having better careers. So there is a little bit of "he's overrated" in the water, and some of it is actually justified.

Jeter never won an MVP. He never was clearly " The Man" of a title team. You can argue Mariano Rivera, his teammate, was a better player during his career, too. And as for being the "Ultimate Winner," Jeter won five titles but just one after becoming "The Captain."  

You can throw some darts, fairly, at Jeter's legend. What you can't say, however, is that Jeter wasn't a fabulous player, one of the best all-around shortstops ever (offensively, for sure), and one of the most decorated winners in his sport during his career. And you can't say he was ever an off-field distraction for the Yankees; he was incredibly durable, and productive, for a very long time.

To Yankees fans, it's pretty simple: Rivera and Jeter showed up in 1995, and the Yankees have been terrific since (until the past two seasons). So of course they lay it on a bit thick in their adoration of Derek Jeter. And they should.

I'm a Buffalo Bills fan in the NFL. There's no way I can non-emotionally judge the careers of Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, etc.; I suspect Yankee fans have the same trouble when it comes to looking at Jeter.

Is the yearlong "Farewell Tour" sort of phony and nauseating? Sure. Is it over the top? Absolutely. Have parts of it been cringeworthy? You bet.

But calling Jeter a phony really isn't fair.

In fact, history shows he was one of the few genuine, non-phony ballplayers of the PED-era; a player who did not cheat to succeed.

I think Carlin outran his coverage here.
