Everyone loves Ichiro, but please cool it with the ‘hit king’ talk

Jason Foster

Everyone loves Ichiro, but please cool it with the ‘hit king’ talk image

Ichiro Suzuki went 3 for 4 on Monday to bring his professional hit total to 4,255 — just one behind Pete Rose’s all-time mark. (UPDATE: Wednesday, Ichiro collected two more hits to put himself at 4,257.)

One problem, of course: Ichiro collected 1,278 of those hits in Japan, while Rose collected all 4,256 of his in the majors. Yet some fans and media types continue to celebrate Ichiro’s “chase” for the all-time mark, as if it’s actually a chase at all.

There’s nothing to see here, folks, so please cool it with the “hit king” talk.

MORE: Players in MLB's 3,000-hit club

As impressive as Ichiro’s career has been — he’s almost certainly a first-ballot Hall of Famer — we should be content to celebrate his contributions at the major league level, because they're plenty impressive. Entering Tuesday After Wednesday, he’s 23 21 hits from 3,000. That’s the number on which everyone should focus, not the concocted “professional total” that only came en vogue the past couple of seasons.

No other player has ever gotten credit for pre-MLB stats while in pursuit of any kind of career record. It feels silly to even suggest that stats collected anywhere but Major League Baseball should count toward anything, even unofficially. It shouldn’t even be in the conversation, other than perhaps as a mildly interesting footnote.

So let's not get carried away with Ichiro's next hit. Because this should be obvious: The overall talent level in Nippon Professional Baseball just isn't the same as in Major League Baseball. Again, this seems like it should be obvious. Yet, here we are.

Besides, padding MLB stats with pre-MLB accomplishments is a slippery slope.

MORE: Rose: They're trying to make me the 'hit queen' in Japan

If we’re going to include unofficial stats in Ichiro’s professional total, we’ve got to tack on Rose’s 428 hits he collected in the minors. While we’re at it, go ahead and add Rose’s spring training, All-Star Game and postseason hits, too. Those were at least against (mostly) major league-quality pitchers. 

And if we’re rewriting the record books, we've got to give Hank Aaron credit for his 31 minor league homers, which brings his total to 786 — four more than Barry Bonds’ total when he gets credit for his 20 non-MLB homers. Congrats on reclaiming the home run crown, Mr. Aaron.

We'll also have to rethink some Hall of Fame cases, which ... well, it would get messy.

The point is, let’s not be silly: Major league stats are all that matter. They're all that have ever mattered. Again, this should be obvious.

Ichiro still has a long way to go to catch Rose after he gets his next hit. So far, in fact, that he’s never going to get there. Rose's hit total is one of those it’ll-never-happen-again accomplishments, on par with Cal Ripken's 2,632 consecutive games played and Joe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak. That type of sustained success at the major league level is considered all-time special because — again, this should be obvious — it happened at the major league level.

MORE: Ranking the top 10 unbreakable baseball records

Rose took on the best and he bested the best 4,256 times. Ichiro has taken on the best and bested the best 2,979 times through Wednesday. That’s outstanding, just not all-time great.

It’ll be plenty fun to watch Ichiro chase 3,000. He'll be the 30th player in MLB history to reach it. That's plenty exclusive. He’s been a supremely talented major league hitter since 2001. We're all aware of his greatness. 

We don’t need manufactured feats and false story lines to appreciate him.

This article has been updated.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.