Dusty Baker goes to winter meetings, says incredibly stupid things about domestic abuse

Troy Machir

Dusty Baker goes to winter meetings, says incredibly stupid things about domestic abuse image


At the baseball winter meetings on Tuesday, new Nationals manager Dusty Baker was asked about the domestic violence situation involving Aroldis Chapman, who Baker coached from 2010 until 2013.

What started off as defense of Chapman's character ended with one of the dumbest things we've seen since Stephen A. Smith tried to place blame on the wife of former Ravens' running back Ray Rice.

MORE: Awful winter trades, ranked | Baker needs to apologize

For starters, here is Baker addressing the Nationals roster and what he thinks it is missing, as transcribed by ASAPsports.com.

Q. Dusty, you've talked to Mike and people in the front office, is there anything that you've specifically said that you think you'd like to have on a roster that you don't necessarily have at the moment?

DUSTY BAKER: Yeah. You're always in need of left-handed pitching, left-handed hitting, and in need of speed. I think that's the number one thing that's missing, I think, in the game is speed. You know, with the need for minorities, you can help yourself -- you've got a better chance of getting some speed with Latin and African-Americans. I'm not being racist. That's just how it is.

Anytime you have to couch something with "I'm not being racist," you probabaly just shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

But if you think that's the worst thing he said, you're wrong.

Q. Dusty, who have your other con men been throughout your career?
DUSTY BAKER: I can't tell you that. No, I can't tell you that. I mean, baseball's a microcosm of society. There are users. There are givers. There are abusers. You know, whatever is in this room is on your team. It's just that God blew a whole bunch of ability into this particular guy here. Once you recognize who they are, that's the stuff, you know. That's not exactly how I would say it.

Q. Dusty, you had Aroldis Chapman when he broke into the majors. What was that process like? Were you surprised by the report?
DUSTY BAKER: I don't believe reports. Who knows why? I'm not one to judge on how the whole thing happened.

Q. What do you know about the guy?
DUSTY BAKER: Oh, he's a heck of a guy. I mean, a heck of a guy. I'll go on record and say I wouldn't mind having Chapman. No, no, he is a tremendous young man with a great family, mom and dad, and what he went through to get here and what his family had to go through to get here. I was with him through the whole process.

There was a couple times when I had to stop him from quitting or going back to Cuba because he was lonely for his family. So I went through a lot of stuff with Chapman. I got nothing but love for the young man.

Q. Were you surprised by -- I don't know how much you read about the allegations.
DUSTY BAKER: I didn't read it.

Q. Are you surprised that this popped up?
DUSTY BAKER: I don't read most of the stuff you guys write. No, I don't.

Q. I believe you. I didn't know if you heard anything.
DUSTY BAKER: I heard it from my son. I mean, who's to say the allegations are true, number one. And who's to say what you would have done or what caused the problem.

Q. Dusty, do you believe that it's a good thing that baseball now has a domestic policy?

Q. Domestic violence policy?
DUSTY BAKER: Yeah. I think it's a great thing. I mean, I got a buddy at home that's being abused by his wife. So I think this policy needs to go further than the player. I think the policy should go to whoever's involved. Sometimes abusers don't always have pants on.

Check out the last answer. That's something that really doesn't ever need to be said.




Troy Machir