Dee Gordon suspension does not mean MLB needs to re-think PED policy

Jesse Spector

Dee Gordon suspension does not mean MLB needs to re-think PED policy image

Baseball has gotten to a point where performance-enhancing drugs are, for the most part, in the background.

When Chris Colabello of the Blue Jays was suspended 80 games last week, following a positive test in spring training, it was a blip on the radar, and fairly easily understood. A guy who had labored for years in independent ball, made it to the majors with the Twins in 2013 and broke out last year with 15 home runs? It fit the archetype for a PED story and could easily be tossed into the file with the rest.

PHOTOS: MLB players suspended for PED use

Dee Gordon is another story. The 5-11, 171-pound, slap-hitting National League batting champion is the son of a longtime major leaguer, Tom Gordon, and plays like he was ported to the present day from a time before performance-enhancing drugs became an issue.

“Became an issue,” not “became part of the game,” because drugs have been part of the game for far longer than they were an issue. If Gordon is a throwback to the 1970s or 1980s as a wispy infielder who sprays the ball all over the field and causes havoc on the bases with his speed, he is a throwback to a time when amphetamines were everywhere. They just didn’t have tests or penalties then.

Gordon reminds us all of two important things. One is that performance-enhancing drugs are not just for sluggers — always remember that Alex Sanchez was the first player suspended when baseball started penalizing PED users. The other is that it should not come as a surprise when anyone — anyone at all — turns out to be a user.

This is where care needs to be taken, because the idea that anyone might be juicing can lead to a climate of finger-pointing and overreaction, which is exactly what baseball does not need. Take a look at Jake Arrieta’s week, and recognize that the only beneficiary of reckless PED accusations being thrown his way is the morning TV windbag whose personal brand is built on going over the top with outlandish statements.

Of course, in a world influenced by such windbags, the first take for some when learning about Gordon is that baseball has a new PED crisis, and action must be taken. This somehow includes former American League MVP Justin Verlander, who on Friday morning tweeted, “This PED (s---) is killing me. If u test positive u need to not play. You shouldn’t be allowed to effect games while appealing.”

MORE: Stephen A. Smith's Jake Arrieta-PED rant dumber than you thought

In addition to sending Marvin Miller for a six-foot-under spin by publicly advocating for a management side on a collective bargaining issue, Verlander misses the point. Harsher penalties are not going to get PEDs out of the game, because there always will be a level of risk that some will find acceptable. Making drug test results public while the appeals process is ongoing would set up a scenario where an innocent player could have his reputation forever tarnished.

It is good that Verlander is passionate about the issue, because players should want a clean game. Being so vocal about it inadvertently serves to further the perception that there is a major problem that requires major action. Stiffer penalties as a further deterrent is a fine idea, but it needs to come with the recognition that even if a first offense resulted in a lifetime ban, there still would be players who would try to get away with it, and some might even succeed.

Gordon’s case does not show that the system is broken. It shows that, while there always will be tweaks that can be made, the system is working, catching users in all walks of baseball life, from a fringe major leaguer like Phillies lefty Daniel Stumpf to a rising power hitter like Colabello to a slim All-Star speedster like Gordon.

There’s the only surprise left in baseball’s PED story: that positive tests represent a positive sign. That’s the way it is, though, because having a testing system that works is a far sight better than finger-pointing and rampant speculation.

Jesse Spector