7 questions for Dee Gordon and other alleged PED cheaters

Jason Foster

7 questions for Dee Gordon and other alleged PED cheaters image

The Marlins' Dee Gordon is the latest MLB player to test positive for a banned substance and then claim ignorance. Such claims are getting harder to believe.

I'll take Gordon and others at their word for now, but I have a few questions.

PHOTOS: A look back at other PED suspensions

1. How do you not know what's going into your body?

Gordon said, as others often do, that he didn't "knowingly" take any PEDs. But this doesn't seem like something that should be hard to determine. It's not like it was ingested by walking past some factory and taking a deep breath, or by accidentally eating a burger laced with exogenous testosterone and clostebol.

2. Why would you take something without knowing what was in it? 

It shouldn't be hard to learn what's in this stuff. If the ingredients aren't listed, that should be a red flag. Even if they are listed, maybe do a little Googling. At the very least, it's probably best to ask someone who would know. Speaking of that ...

3. Do you consult anyone with your team or MLB before taking a new substance?

New supplements are coming to market all the time. Many of them might seem attractive to you. If you decide to try one, it seems wise to consult a team doctor, trainer or someone else with medical training about whether it could get you in trouble.

4. Why are you going off-list of approved supplements?

MLB has a list of approved substances. You should, in theory, know what's OK to take. It wouldn't seem wise to go off the list, no matter how innocent something seems. If nothing else, the list of players who claim to be surprised when they test positive for banned substance should illustrate the the danger in this. 

MORE: Stephen A. Smith rant on Arrieta/PEDs was dumber than you thought

5. Will you warn other players about new supplements you've taken that might've caused a positive test?

Even if you don't know for sure which new supplement triggered a positive test, perhaps it would be good to let other players know which new supplements you've tried this season so they can avoid them. This wouldn't necessarily have to be done publicly, but it seems like you could spread the word quickly through MLB clubhouses.

6. What will you do differently now that you've "unknowingly" ingested a banned substance?

It would seem in players' best interest to enhance the testing of new supplements coming to market. I don't know the best way to do this, but it seems like a good idea. I wonder whether Gordon and other players who've fallen victim to supposed accidental ingestion will lobby for better screening, better education or better communication about the dangers of trying new stuff.

7. Do you believe stricter punishments will deter future accidental ingestion? 

Some players, most recently Justin Verlander, have said the MLB justice system is too lenient on PED offenders. Because nearly all players who test positive claim ignorance, maybe the punishments/suspensions should be more intense. Maybe that would deter players from taking things without knowing what's in them, as this is obviously an issue, what with all the players who "unknowingly" take bad stuff. 

SPECTOR: Gordon suspension shouldn't make MLB change PED policy

If players are actually in the dark about what they're taking, and if players actually want to do something about it, it seems there's a need — and an opportunity — for better education and prevention.

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.