Goodbye to David Wright, the reason I fell in love with Mets baseball

Alyssa Sconzo

Goodbye to David Wright, the reason I fell in love with Mets baseball image

Sept. 29, 2018 is the day my Mets story came full circle.

I’ve been a Mets fan since Sept. 5, 1995 — that’s the day I was born.

All I remember from my first Mets game was everything I did before the game, but nothing about the game itself. I’ve been told the Mets played a doubleheader that day, and I impressed my parents by lasting through two whole games, but I really don’t remember that. In fact, I don’t remember much about being a Mets fan until 2006.

I believe all fans have a specific moment that made them fall in love with their sport. For me, that moment came on Sept. 18, 2006.

The Mets beat the Marlins to win the National League East. I can still see David Wright and Jose Reyes smoking cigars, covered in champagne with the biggest, goofiest smiles on their 25-year old faces. For me, that picture is iconic. That was when my love affair with Mets baseball — and David Wright — really began.


Let me preface this by saying, no, it was not always easy being a Mets fan. As a fan of any team, it takes a lot of patience, perseverance and dedication to stay loyal when things get tough.

After they clinched the NL East in 2006, the Mets lost in seven games to the Cardinals, and I experienced my first Mets heartbreak. 

It was the first of many.

They missed the playoffs by one game in both 2007 and 2008, and their chances of becoming a dynasty, with Wright and Reyes leading the way, were gone. Eventually, Reyes left as a free agent (oddly enough to the Marlins), and Wright was basically the only remaining piece of the 2006 team that I loved so dearly. While it was not always easy rooting for the Mets, it was always fun. Win or lose, my love for the Mets has never wavered, and Wright was always there.

I vividly remember every Wright barehanded catch, walk-off home run, All-Star appearance and fist pump. Wright’s energy and leadership was electric. The Mets were — and are — better because of him.

Wright is more than just his stats and records. He is true leader who has always shown his appreciation and love for the Mets and their fans. When things got tough, with losses and injuries piling up, he was always the silver lining.

It feels unfair to send Wright off after just one MLB start in two years. In his final game, Wright went 0-1 with a walk and a pop out. He played four complete innings at third base, recording only one out.

This final start does not, in any way, reflect the career he has had, or the caliber of player he was.

Citi Field shook every time Wright stepped onto the field. The crowd would erupt in "David Wright" chants whenever he was shown on the big screen.

Nearly 44,000 Mets fans showed up to show their support for the Captain on Saturday. It did not matter if Wright got a hit. All that mattered was that the Captain was back and even had the opportunity to go 0-1 again in his career, when for so long, his future had been unclear. 

He was dealt some bad cards, and as a fan of Wright and baseball in general, it was an incredibly special moment to see him — and Reyes — take the left side of the infield together one last time.


Next season will be different to say the least. Not only will Wright not be on the active roster, but he won’t be rehabbing either. He won’t be working toward a comeback. The left side of the infield will never look the same again.

Sept. 29, 2018 is the day my Mets story came full circle.

After 13 innings, the Mets beat the Marlins, just like they did in 2006.

This time, there were no champagne showers or cigars. There’s one game left in the season, and the Mets are in fourth place in the NL East, 14 games behind the Braves. The postgame celebration wasn't about a division title — it was about David Wright addressing the fans that love and respect him.

It was the Captain’s final goodbye to the only team he has ever known.

It’s a day I won’t easily forget. It’s the end of an era. It’s the last time Wright will be on an active roster in his career. It’s the day Mets fans were preparing to face, but weren’t expecting quite yet.

For as long as I can remember, when anybody asked about my dream job, I would say, "work for the Mets and interview David Wright." I’m 23 years old now, and this is the closest I will ever come to making that dream come true.

I just want to say, thank you, Captain. Thank you for being the reason I fell in love with the New York Mets. Thank you for always giving me a reason to believe. Thank you for being my favorite player on my favorite team for the last 12 years. You embody everything a fan could want from a franchise player. It has been a privilege to cheer for you, David.

There will never be another No. 5. There will never be another David Wright.

Thank you for the memories, the good and the bad. I am forever grateful.

As a new era begins, Mets fans just gotta believe.

Alyssa Sconzo