Dave Winfield decries the way parents are raising single-sport child athletes

Jesse Spector

Dave Winfield decries the way parents are raising single-sport child athletes image

When Baseball Hall of Famer Dave Winfield was at the University of Minnesota, he also played basketball. In addition to being drafted by the Padres, he was selected by the Hawks of the NBA, the Utah Stars of the ABA and the Vikings of the NFL — even though he never played college football.

So, as endorsement deals go, Winfield is a perfect fit for the Capital One Cup, a multi-sport competition between schools that culminates with the College World Series, where Winfield is this week. The winning school, based on points accumulated over the course of the year, receives $400,000.

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Winfield spoke to Sporting News about that, and a variety of subjects in a phone interview Friday. What follows is an edited transcript of the conversation.

Sporting News: This would’ve been something that you could’ve really helped Minnesota with, back in the day.

Winfield: Oh yeah. I was hoping that Minnesota — they got knocked out before they got to the College World Series here in Omaha — I would’ve loved to see them here. That’s who I follow the most in college baseball, but nevertheless there are a lot of worthy schools here, and kids, and it’s great to see them, because some of the kids, this is the end of the trail. This is the last time they’ll play a high level of baseball. Others go on to the next level as professionals. It’s good to see these young kids, athletic, smart, motivated, good to see what they can do.

SN: How much did it help you to be an athlete in multiple sports, as you went forward as a professional, to have that background?

Winfield: The simple, straight-forward answer is, I grew up in an era when people allowed kids to play multiple sports. That was the norm. It no longer is. Kids are funneled into one sport when they’re young. It’s a bad thing, because they’re not using all of their muscles. They’re not competitive in other sports. From the time they’re young, it’s training, it’s practice, training, practice. They never have any fun. They never participate in the sport just for the heck of it. So, it’s not a good thing. Kids play one sport their whole life and they get burned out. I’ve seen it too many times. I played the other sports, had fun, met other people, learned to use my body differently. I was an athlete, not just a baseball player. I wish more people would do that.

The parents, they all think, “My kid is gonna be the cleanup hitter for the Kansas City Royals because he’s 5-foot-7 as a 12-year-old!” Then he turns 18 and he grew one inch, and he says, “Man, I should’ve played soccer.” Or tennis, or something like that. That’s what happens too often.

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SN: Do you think you would’ve wound up as a baseball player today, or do you think things would’ve been different?

Winfield: I would’ve ended up a baseball player, as I did. I had my choice. I was drafted in professional football by the Vikings and basketball by the Atlanta Hawks and Utah Stars, and the Padres in baseball. I had the choice. It’s not like my parents told me, “You’re going to play this sport, and you’re going to be the best you can, and we’re going to back you with the money and the travel teams.” We didn’t have all that. We had no money. We had no car. We couldn’t have played travel sports if we wanted to, if I grew up in this day and age.

But if you ask me, what sport would I have played, with all the choices? It would’ve been baseball. Somehow, I made it through the gauntlet, the competition, and I played what I wanted to do, not what someone else forced me, or put me through a funnel, to play.

SN: And, just as far as African-American kids go, there’s been a noted decline, but it seems like a rebound, at least the past couple of years, as far as who we’ve seen drafted. Do you have any thoughts on that, and what baseball’s been doing?

Winfield: I do, and I would tell anyone within earshot, or reading this interview, that I wrote a book in 2007 called “Dropping The Ball,” and it was about the state of baseball — where it used to be, where it was and where it’s going. A lot of recommendations for what people could do. The disturbing trend — it was only one chapter — of minority or African-American athletes. Even though you see the draft changing today, a little bit, when I worked for the (MLB) Players Association and would go to spring training, you were down to about 8 percent. When I played, we were up over 20 percent. That trend is still not reversed.

Everybody in America looks at baseball differently. There’s competition. People migrate to football. People migrate to basketball. They want to be LeBron James or Steph Curry or Kobe Bryant. I look and say, “Look, you’re 5-6, you ain’t gonna make it.” Baseball, you can be 5-10 of 6-10, and you can play. Some incredible athletes, and you can play a long time. I’m always an advocate for baseball, and that’s where I stand.

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SN: Having done work with the Players’ Association, there’s been some talk, and it’s obviously a collective bargaining year — but there’s been talk, even among players, about making contracts non-guaranteed for guys that are caught using PEDs. I want to know — I, personally, think that’s a slippery slope for the Players’ Association to go down, to even bring up the topic of ever making contracts non-guaranteed — and I want to know what your thoughts are on that.

Winfield: OK, yeah, I can tell you that’s not gonna happen. You know, there’s too many things people could do. Someone could say, “Oh, he’s got a $40 million contract. Let’s make sure he eats something with a speck of the wrong ingredient in it,” and the guy doesn’t know, and all of a sudden, he’s out. That’s not gonna happen.

People are upset to a certain degree, but the players spoke, as well as baseball, about tougher testing. Baseball has the toughest testing anywhere, in any sport, and people, if they go down the road and use something illicit, improper, illegal, inappropriate, they’re gonna pay a steep price – not only not being able to play, but their reputation is sullied and ruined. It’s gone that way in a number of ways, with domestic violence and other things, too. The world is changing, sport is changing, but baseball monitors itself pretty good now.

The guys are paying a steep price now, and it’s controlled better than the other sports. That’s where it’ll be for a while.

SN: And you can argue that a couple of positive tests show the system works.

Winfield: A lot of times, people will just speak out, because they’ll think, “Why are all these people getting busted on this?” The testing is at such a high level. If you mess around, and I tell people and families, if you’re going to play the sport, play it clean. If you mess around, you’re going to get busted and it’s going to affect your career, your life and your future. I know that if I could play 20 years and didn’t do any of that stuff, they can, too.

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SN: And which player, right now, reminds you the most of yourself as a player?

Winfield: Hmm. Well, there aren’t many like Dave Parker and myself – big, 6-5 guys, 6-6 guys that could run, field, hit, throw and all of that. There’s some big guys. There’s a young kid that I like in New York – he isn’t in the big leagues yet, but keep your eye out for him: Aaron Judge. He’s a young kid with the Yankees, an outfielder from California, and he’s like Paul Bunyan out there, man. He hits some monstrous shots, he’s athletic, he’s skilled. I like the big guys that can play the game well. So, good luck to him!

Jesse Spector