Darryl Strawberry admits to having sex during games, never took drugs in dugout

Travis Durkee

Darryl Strawberry admits to having sex during games, never took drugs in dugout image

Darryl Strawberry, the subject of the new 30 for 30 film “Doc and Darryl” with former teammate Dwight Gooden, seemed to have forgotten his filter in an interview with Mad Dog Sports Radio on Thursday.

In discussing his relationship with Gooden, Strawberry said the two former Mets stars never had dinner together just the two of them, however, an awkward non-answer revealed the two had sex with the same woman at the same time at least once.

But wait — it get’s better … or worse.

Strawberry also revealed he had sex between innings inside of stadiums while on the road.

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“Been there, done that. I’ve done a lot of things,” he said. “It worked out well with how crazy it was.”

Now Strawberry couldn’t leave the dugout to roam the stands in search of the day’s lucky lady, that’s apparently what young clubhouse attendants are for.

“You organize it. You point her out and tell the kid,” Strawberry said.

Considering how outrageous Strawberry’s answers were, it was almost a letdown when he said he never snorted anything with Gooden or smoked weed in the dugout. Strawberry, however, did admit his somewhat-disappointing career would have been even shorter if he played today.

“There would have been more trouble back then if they had social media outlets, cell phones and videos because they would have seen a lot of things they didn’t need to see,” he said.

True, those are Vines we're probably better off without.

Travis Durkee