Curt Schilling endorses Donald Trump, rips Hillary Clinton and media

Arthur Weinstein

Curt Schilling endorses Donald Trump, rips Hillary Clinton and media image

Now that he doesn't have to worry about breaking any ESPN policies, Curt Schilling has endorsed Donald Trump for president.

In a lengthy — almost 1,500 words — endorsement posted Friday on his personal blog,, the former pitcher and baseball announcer first offered a disclaimer at the top of his piece titled "Why I will vote for Donald Trump."

MORE: 7 times Curt Schilling got himself in hot water

"If your response is going to be anything related to ‘no one cares what you think’ stop reading now and go elsewhere," Schilling writes. "You’re coming here either interested in why, or to add to your list of reasons you don’t like me. I’m ok with both."

The endorsement is about as colorful and entertaining as you would expect from a controversial public figure endorsing a controversial presidential candidate. Schilling notes that he admires Trump because he trusts him and he "worked his ass off."

Oh, and Trump possesses traits that "neither candidate on the Soviet ticket do."

Schilling reserves some of his most colorful language for the "frauds in the liberal media." Regarding the media and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, Schilling writes, "You would honest to God have the public believe that one of the most evil, despicable corrupt lying phonies ever to walk this earth, should be the democratic nominee for the highest position in this land."

Schilling was fired by ESPN as a baseball analyst last month after a controversial social media post involving the transgender bathroom issue.

Arthur Weinstein