Sarah Palin defends Curt Schilling, blasts ESPN for buying into 'ISIS propaganda'

Ron Clements

Sarah Palin defends Curt Schilling, blasts ESPN for buying into 'ISIS propaganda' image

Sarah Palin is not happy ESPN pulled Curt Schilling off two baseball broadcasts following his tweet comparing Muslims to Nazis.

While defending Schilling for his since-deleted tweet, Palin called ESPN a journalistic embarrassment before saying the network has bought "into the propaganda of ISIS and other terror organizations" in a lengthy Facebook post late Thursday night.

MORE: MLB's infamous moments | Schilling suspension gives ESPN chance to rethink Sunday night announcers

Palin, who was the vice presidential running mate in John McCain's failed attempt at the presidency in 2008, said Schilling had his facts correct when the former MLB pitcher tweeted, "Only 5-10% of Muslims are extremists. In 1940, only 7% of Germans were Nazis. How'd that go?"

ESPN, which called the tweet "completely unacceptable," pulled Schilling from its Little League World Series broadcast and the network's MLB Sunday Night Baseball

Palin, a former Alaska sports reporter and Alaska governor, said "ESPN reacted about as fast as a Schilling pitch."

"Schilling's tweet — was he wrong? No! In fact his stats were too generous in estimating Muslims' attitudes," Palin wrote. "Reports show it's 88% of Egyptian Muslims favoring DEATH for anyone who leaves Islam. The majority of Muslims in many other places share the sentiment. In America, these views could be correctly described as 'extreme.'

"The difference between Hitler’s army and the genocidal maniacs of ISIS is that the jihadists don’t have as much power… yet.

"By denying the accuracy of Schilling’s tweet, ESPN shows its weakness as it buys into the propaganda of ISIS and other terror organizations, helping mislead the public about the very real threat of terrorism. It shows once again that ESPN would rather concentrate on liberal global politics instead of report well on our beloved sports."

She concluded by saying ESPN should "stick to sports."

Ron Clements