Curt Schilling's 'character' was award-winning when he was a player

Ryan Spaeder

Curt Schilling's 'character' was award-winning when he was a player image

Curt Schilling's ability to pitch cannot be denied. His playing career was Hall of Fame-caliber by any reasonable argument

Rule No. 5 for election by the Baseball Writers Association of America is voting and states the following, "Voting shall be based upon the player's record, playing ability, integrity, sportsmanship, character, and contributions to the team(s) on which the player played."

MORE: Why Schilling is a clear-cut Hall of Famer

The character clause is what's coming up now, again. Schilling's political stances, such as those on Islam and transgenderism, are well known, and many don't want him rewarded with a spot in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

However, Schilling's character was never called into question during his playing days. Instead, he was revered for it.

The Lou Gehrig Memorial Award is given annually to the Major League Baseball player who best exhibits the character and integrity of Lou Gehrig, both on the field and off it.

Curt Schilling won this award in 1995.

The Branch Rickey Award is given annually to an individual in Major League Baseball in recognition of his exceptional community service.

Curt Schilling won this award in 2001.

MORE: Bonds and Clemens will get in HOF, but not now

The Roberto Clemente Award is given annually to the Major League Baseball player who "best exemplifies the game of baseball, sportsmanship, community involvement and the individual's contribution to his team", as voted on by baseball fans and members of the media.

Curt Schilling won this award in 2001.

The Hutch Award is given annually to an active Major League Baseball player who "best exemplifies the fighting spirit and competitive desire" of Fred Hutchison, by persevering through adversity.

Curt Schilling won this award in 2001.

The rule very clearly states, "...contributions to the team(s) on which the player played," and Schilling's accomplishments, even for his character, during his playing days, were nothing short of Hall of Fame worthy. Schilling is no longer a player and is not associated directly with baseball or any team. Just as he cannot improve on his strikeout total, he cannot degrade his character contributions from his playing days.

MORE: Seven of the worst things Schilling's said

If you disagree with Schilling, do not like him as a man or a person or think he is an asshole, fine. But the character clause was not meant to hold players accountable after the fact. Anything he does after his playing career, as per the rules of the very BBWAA that controls the votes, should not be held against him.

Curt Schilling belongs in the Hall of Fame. His playing day contributions on and even off the field cannot be denied.

Sporting News contributor Ryan Spaeder is the creator and owner/operator of the popular Twitter account Ace of MLB Stats (@aceofspaeder).

Ryan Spaeder

Sporting News contributor Ryan Spaeder is the creator and owner/operator of the popular Twitter account Ace of MLB Stats (@theaceofspaeder).