Q&A: Former cricket star Kieran Powell talks about transition to baseball

Ryan Fagan

Q&A: Former cricket star Kieran Powell talks about transition to baseball image

West Indies batsman Kieran Powell was once a rising star on the international cricket scene. Now, he’s chasing a new dream — playing major league baseball. 

It’s quite the transition. “I’m extremely excited,” Powell told Sporting News in a phone interview on Friday. “It’s been a whirlwind.” 

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Powell, a 6-2 left-handed hitter who turns 26 in March, has been training at IMG Academy in Bradenton, Fla. He had his first individual workout with a big-league club, the Brewers, on Jan. 6 and then had another individual workout with the Mets on Saturday, after a mini workout a few days earlier. On Wednesday, he’s putting on a full-scale workout at IMG for a collection of scouts, including but not limited to scouts from the Dodgers, Tigers, Giants, Brewers, Mets, Reds, Pirates and A’s.

Of course, the thought of cricket and baseball brings up memories of the movie “Million Dollar Arm,” and the contest that helped two athletes from India, Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel, eventually sign contracts with the Pittsburgh Pirates. 

But Powell’s quest only mirrors Singh and Patel’s quest loosely, at best. Those two were pitchers — Powell is a hitter who is working out in the outfield — and even though the original Million Dollar Arm contest was designed to tap into the world of cricket players, both Singh and Patel were actually track-and-field athletes. Powell was a rising star on the international cricket stage.  

Powell’s also hoping to get much further than Singh — who actually had a 2.99 career ERA in 84 games in the minors before a series of injuries stalled out his quest in Single-A — and Patel in his new sport.

He talked about his drive, and other topics (like his love for Kobe Bryant and the Lakers) in a wide-ranging interview with SN. 

SPORTING NEWS: How much did you watch baseball as a kid? How much did you know about the sport before the last year or two? 

POWELL: When I was smaller, I used to watch it from time to time. Obviously, lots of American sports are shown on TV in the Caribbean. I used to watch Ken Griffey Jr., a lot. I remember him, and fortunately enough he just got inducted into the Hall of Fame. It’s nice to know that one of the guys I did watch when I was smaller is a Hall of Fame player now. That’s really good. Now, I watch David Ortiz, and I try to watch lots of left-handed hitters. 

SN: Obviously people hear cricket and baseball and there’s the connection with the movie, “Million Dollar Arm.” Do you get asked about that a lot?

POWELL: Initially, but not now. The people who have seen me and have seen what I looked like when I started to where I’m at today, in terms of where I am as a player, it’s completely different. You wouldn’t think that the guy you saw back in August trying to swing a bat is the same guy you’re seeing now, in January. People don’t bring that up at all. The ability for me to adapt and to learn and to adjust quickly and put certain things into my game has been surprising to most, and I think that’s the reason why I’ve gotten such attention from scouts so far. 

SN: You have the big scout day on Wednesday, so I’m wondering about your timeline going forward? Are you hopeful to sign with an organization in the next month? Two months? Three months? Four months? 

POWELL: We’re looking to sign as quickly as possible. We’re just trying to see what organization gives us the best offer. We’re looking to get signed, we’re looking to go to spring training and whatever the situation is that they have planned out for me, whichever organization signs me, we’re just looking to get the ball rolling. We’ve been working really hard for the past few months and we just want to now get signed and get the process moving, not have any time wasting. 

SN: What did you learn from that first individual workout, with Milwaukee? What did you take out of that first experience? 

POWELL: It was good. They just had me take some balls in the outfield, see how I move around and how I react to fly balls. They had me do some base-running work. Their guy had seen me hit before, so that wasn’t necessary on that particular day. He had seen me hit consistently for a week prior to that, so he’d seen the changes and the progression I’d been making. And fortunately enough, there was a current major-league player there that I was actually taking fly balls off when I was doing my workout. I don’t want to mention his name, but he was doing batting practice and I was taking fly balls for my workout with the Brewers from him. That was a massive advantage. That was amazing.

SN: What’s one of the biggest challenges you’ve dealt with? 

POWELL: I would say the biggest challenge is changing the swing. As you know, with cricket it’s from low-to-high, but in baseball the swing is more staying on plane. It’s an adjustment to change the swing, even though they’re similar. It just for me to get the different angle. 

SN: Has it been tough not to swing at pitches in the dirt? I know you have to do that in cricket, but obviously those are balls in baseball. 

POWELL: It’s actually been easy, because with cricket you have to protect your wickets, and with baseball, I sort of look at the plate as that, so it’s been good. My pitch recognition and then what to swing at and what not to swing at has been good because it’s something I’ve trained for in a different sport. It’s still the same principles, of just recognizing what you need to do. 

SN: Is it nice to not have to hit a ball that’s bounced in the dirt first? 

POWELL: It’s nice not to have to do it, yes, at times (laughs). It’s really fun. I’ve been enjoying it so much. Obviously an at-bat last much shorter in baseball. I don’t have to worry about standing out there for two days batting. It’s two different games. That’s a relief. 

SN: Do you remember the first time you saw a big curveball, and what you thought seeing the ball break like that? 

POWELL: I was like, “Oh my God, what just happened?” I thought the ball was coming at me and then it just dipped. I was like, “Holy hell, how did he do that with a ball? That surely defies physics.” But after I saw it the first few times, I learned not to try and run away because it’s not going to hit me. It’s been a good learning experience. I find that to be crafty stuff. It’s just being able to stay balanced and wait for it and put the right swing on it even though it’s breaking.

SN: I saw you’ve been working with Ryan Jackson (Cincinnati Reds hitting coordinator)  and Jack Voigt (New York Mets Triple-A hitting coach) in Florida. Is that one of the big things you’ve been working on with them, pitch recognition? 

POWELL: We work on different things, with both coaches. I did do some breaking balls and some fastballs from a short distance, to increase the reaction time, off the machines, with Ryan Jackson last night. It’s something that we talk about and it’s something we work on a lot. As you know, with anything, you can only get better at it if you do it and if you seen it. It’s been really good seeing it consistently and learn how to wait for it, learn just to be patient and let it get into the spot where you want it. And he’s shown me different theories of where I should hit it, as well, in terms of how deep I should let it get and what angles I need to be at with the bat and my body to hit it in certain positions. 

SN: I know in cricket, you spray the ball all over the place. It seems like that might help, that you don’t try to pull everything. Is that something, the bat control, that you find translates pretty well from cricket to baseball? 

POWELL: For me, it’s a good thing in that I don’t have to worry about hitting the ball 360 degrees anymore, I’ve just got to worry about hitting it straight in front of me. So that’s a massive plus for me. I don’t have to worry about all these different angles and all these guys all over the place. I’ve just got to hit it straight in front of me, in a gap and get on base. 

SN: When did you decide, “This is what I’m going to do, this is the next step in my life? I’m going to be a baseball player.”

POWELL: Back in August, my agent and I decided to send off some footage to major-league teams and we got lots of interest from quite a few teams. Then the Dodgers’ head of international scouting at the time, Bob Engle, he was in Europe and I was in Europe as well. He decided to arrange for me to play a few games so that he could see me. And then he arranged for his colleague, Mike Tosar, to see me as well. And Mike said, ‘If you guys are going to do this, you need to come to the U.S. and get the proper training.’ And we were like, well, we’re on board with this, so we’re going to come to the U.S. to get the proper training, at which point we went to California to some people that he had recommended and had three months of training in California before we came to IMG for the final stint before the scouts were coming out. 

SN: When did you get to IMG to start this process? 

POWELL: I got to IMG roughly four-and-a-half to five weeks ago. We just decided it’s the best place to be, with the facilities here and access to all sorts of MLB personnel. I’ve been training with lots of current major-league players who are getting ready for the season. Just being able to be exposed to that kind of training, to be able to mingle with them and for them to know what I’m doing and to be supportive of me on a daily basis, it’s been really good. And I’ve been able to pick their brains about lots of little stuff while I try to acclimatize get familiar with all the terminology and look at what they do on a daily basis. 

SN: I was going to ask you about that. Does it feel like this transition is as much mental as it is physical? 

POWELL: I think the physical part really isn’t the transition. I think the transition is actually more so the mental part, just being able to understand certain things and put myself in certain situations and understand certain situations, to give myself the best possible opportunity to not only go out and play but go out and play at a high level. 

SN: Totally off topic, but I saw you posted a Facebook video after the Lakers lost their opening game this year, and you weren’t too happy with that. Have you always been a Lakers fan? 

POWELL: I have always been and will remain a Lakers fan, and I’m not too happy with the current situation at the moment. It’s one of those things that happens, they’re going through transition but at least we’ve got Kobe to enjoy on a nightly basis. But they’ve got a bright future. Obviously, it’s the Lakers, and top talent is always going to want to go to the Lakers, so they won’t be down for too long. 

SN: How’d you become a Lakers fan? 

POWELL: I watched a lot of basketball when I was younger. It’s one of the American sports I would watch. I watch a lot now. Apart from watching baseball, it’s probably the only other sport I watch when I have free time. I just liked the Kobe and Shaq combo back in the day. That was arguably one of the best combos ever. And from there you had Kobe and Pau Gasol and now you have Kobe retiring. I’ve always been a massive Kobe fan. 

Ryan Fagan

Ryan Fagan Photo

Ryan Fagan, the national MLB writer for The Sporting News, has been a Baseball Hall of Fame voter since 2016. He also dabbles in college hoops and other sports. And, yeah, he has way too many junk wax baseball cards.