March Maddon-ess: Cubs practice got weird in the best way

Jesse Spector

March Maddon-ess: Cubs practice got weird in the best way image

MESA, Ariz. — Joe Maddon's at it again.

The Cubs manager, known for his wacky ways and clubhouse stunts, brought the Maddon Way™ to Mesa on Friday, allowing his club to keep it loose at practice. 

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How, you ask? Well, there was singing...

There was fighting...

And there was, well, Gangnaming.

The players, naturally, had a good time with it, clapping and laughing during what might otherwise be a dull portion of the day.

“Kawasaki’s a character and we like to have him out there,” said Cubs outfielder Dexter Fowler. “He can sing! He can karaoke with the best of them. So, that was a good idea, to put him out there.”

Kawasaki’s singing was not designed only for the Cubs to enjoy. Putting on the show in full view of the media, Maddon knew that reporters would break out their phones to take video and post it online (and he was right, of course).

“Beyond just winning for the Cubs, we’re here to promote the industry and the game, and get more kids involved,” Maddon said. “Do you think that doesn’t matter? You know, that becomes a YouTube thing or a social media event today — does that then interest a young man to want to participate more? Or at least become a fan? I think that’s sometimes what becomes confused here. It’s not just about attracting the next generation of players, but about somebody who might be interested to follow this whole thing because they like what we’re doing.”

MORE: Top 10 Cubs of all time | Remembering Maddon's first gig

There might be some who follow this whole thing and don’t like seeing a Japanese player doing karaoke while his teammates wear headbands with a Japanese inscription, followed by stretching exercises set to “Kung Fu Fighting” and “Gangnam Style" (neither of which are Japanese songs, of course). The act was performed with awareness of that, at least from Maddon’s part.

“There’s things I wouldn’t do,” Maddon said. “We’re just having a pretty good time. Political correctness has been at an all-time high over the last, what, couple of decades. We’re not trying to hurt anybody, it was all in fun.”

Kawasaki very much seemed to be enjoying himself, and the Japanese media contingent got laughs from it, informing Maddon that the translation of the inscription on the headbands was “MUST WIN.”

“It just appeared on my desk this morning, and I’m sure Kawasaki had something to do with it,” Maddon said. “It says ‘MUST WIN?’ I’m digging on it, though we don’t use the word ‘winning’ here a lot. I’d like to see one, ask if they can make one that says ‘PROCESS IS FEARLESS,’ and I’ll wear that one. That’s what I’m looking for on my next headband.”

Jesse Spector