Chewbacca Mom's first pitch at Rays game was ... actually pretty good

Sean Gentille

Chewbacca Mom's first pitch at Rays game was ... actually pretty good image

The sentence "Chewbacca Mom throws out the first pitch at a Rays game" should make you feel uneasy. Right now, any sentence including the words "Chewbacca Mom" should make you feel uneasy. 

Lo and behold, it actually turned out OK. That's a decent effort.

MORE: 'Star Wars' versions of MLB logos for every team

Candace Payne continues to reap the benefits of the (delightful) Facebook video she posted last month.

So far, it's netted her about $500K worth of gifts and a gig signing **paid** autographs at a convention, which ... whatever. Get money while you can. Throw out first pitches while you can. Just try not to let it destroy the rest of your life.

It's high time for Chewbacca Mom to take her family and live on an island somewhere, before the Facebook equivalent of " the lottery curse " sets in. If she rides this out for a while longer, let's hope it all ends as well as her pitch did.

Sean Gentille