Sorry, Bud Norris, baseball is becoming more international; it's up to Americans to adapt

Jesse Spector

Sorry, Bud Norris, baseball is becoming more international; it's up to Americans to adapt image

A century ago, 96.6 percent of players in Major League Baseball were born in the United States. By 1930, the figure reached an all-time high of 99 percent, and when integration happened in 1947, it was still 97.2 percent.

The arrival of people of color in the majors was the start of baseball opening its doors to the world. In 1955, the percentage of players born in the United States dropped below 95 for the first time, never to rise above it again. In 1964, the percentage dropped below 90, never to rise above it again. The figure hovered in the 80s until dipping to 78 in 1997, hasn’t gone over 80 again, and hasn’t gone over 75 since crossing that threshold in 2001.

MORE: MLB's Latino legends | Best Cuban-born players in baseball history

This year, 72.5 percent of major league players were born in the United States, up a tick from the all-time low of 71.7 in 2009, but the overall trend line continues to point down, in part because baseball has made a concerted effort to make inroads internationally.

Venezuelans comprised 2.2 percent of the playing populace 20 years ago and reached an all-time high of 7.8 percent this year. The percentage of Dominicans has risen from 7 percent to 10 percent in two decades. Those are the countries where MLB has development academies and affiliated summer leagues, and they are providing talent. With U.S. relations normalizing with Cuba, it’s fair to expect that the proportion of Cuban players — 20 years ago, 0.4 percent; this year, 2 percent — will soon jump, too.

ADRIAN BURGOS JR.: Baseball playing shell game with diversity  | What would Clemente think of MLB today?  

That’s not to mention the changing demographics of the United States, with more American players of Hispanic heritage arriving on the scene all the time.

In that light, consider the firestorm quote from Padres pitcher Bud Norris in a Wednesday story in USA Today about the high proportion of bench-clearing incidents in baseball between white American players and players outside that category.

“I think it’s a culture shock,” Norris said. “This is America’s game. This is America’s pastime, and over the past 10-15 years we’ve seen a very big world influence in this game, which we as a union and we as players appreciate. We’re opening this game to everyone that can play.”

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Sounds good! If you can play, you’re welcome here, and it does make sense that Americans might not be used to players from other places, even though it’s actually been a trend for more than 10 to 15 years. It’s up to American players to accept that they are no longer the only ones here, to adapt and embrace that global influx of talent, which only serves to make the game better, and wait a minute, this was a firestorm quote.

“However . . ."


Norris continued: “If you’re going to come into our country and make our American dollars, you need to respect a game that has been here for over a hundred years, and I think sometimes that can be misconstrued. There are some players that have antics, that have done things over the years that we don’t necessarily agree with. I understand you want to say it’s a cultural thing or an upbringing thing. But by the time you get to the big leagues, you better have a pretty good understanding of what this league is and how long it’s been around.”

Our American dollars. OK. Don’t kid yourself — the instant that Major League Baseball finds it economically worthwhile to put teams in Caracas, Santo Domingo, Havana, San Juan, Mexico City or anywhere else, there will be teams in those places, because it will only serve to build interest in the game, opening up even more markets for even more varied forms of currency. There’s a team of guys who get Canadian dollars out of the ATM who are having a really nice season and growing the game north of the border with their success.

As far as “antics” go, let’s not pretend that anger about unwritten rules is limited to cross-border encounters, not when the lasting image of confrontation this season will be Jonathan Papelbon choking Bryce Harper in the Nationals’ dugout. In the meantime, the unwritten rules of American baseball will evolve with the people who play the game, but it should be no more acceptable for Yordano Ventura to throw at a hitter than it should be for Papelbon to do it — even if the unspoken message from Norris is “act white, and you’ll be all right.”

Major league baseball might be played here, but Americans do not own the game, and do not have the authority to say that practices of a century ago must be honored. The game is only going to continue to become more international, and in another 70 years, words like Norris’ are going to look as foolish and backward as those of people 70 years ago who wanted to preserve an all-white league.

Jesse Spector