We should just shut up and let Bryce be Bryce and Kimmy be nude

Jen Floyd Engel

We should just shut up and let Bryce be Bryce and Kimmy be nude image

We want Bryce Harper to close his.

We want Kim Kardashian to cover hers.

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In the last couple of days, the usual suspects and a few randos — Bette Midler, really? — have vomited up lots of words on Kim Kardashian for posting a very provocative and very nude selfie on Instagram and on Harper for daring to say something not from the Crash Davis “you’re gonna have to study them, you’re gonna have to know them. They’re your friends” cliché playbook.

Shut up. Cover up.

Conform. Shrink.

This has become an almost daily drumbeat in American society, this personality shaming. We love to engage in criticizing and shaming anybody who does not do hive mind and pc talk, and by we I mostly mean all of us. This includes those of us paid to give opinions for a living. In an idiotic twist, we especially love to tell others to shut up.

Tim Keown’s beautiful profile on Harper in ESPN The Magazine needed to be read as a manifesto, a call to action for every single athlete and all of us who love sports. We do not need any more boring athletes, any more athletes hiding what they think and who they are. We need guys like Harper to be themselves, to be feisty and opinionated and cocky and different.

Yet his words have blown up on social media, even though he is right — actually because he is right. Baseball is boring, and athletes in general have trended that way.

And every time a performer steps from that path — Cam Newton at the Super Bowl and Yasiel Puig on the base paths, even Beyoncé and Steph Curry doing their things — they open themselves up to getting crushed by people wanting them to play the game another way.

The way it used to be done back in the day.

The non-wave-making way.

Or my personal favorite, the “right” way.

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When an athlete uses his voice to sell Nikes or his respective league, we call that branding and hardly anybody says a word. Yet when he posts a selfie in a hoodie or has a real opinion on anything of any import, we dismissively tell him to stick to see ball, hit ball, repeat.

It is not unlike how an overly sexualized photo of a woman in a bikini is posted online with a sports column to drive traffic is good business and simply giving guys what they want. And yet if a woman posts that same picture of herself, well, she is a slut and a whore and needs to think of the kids.

This is exactly what happened to Kim Kardashian this week. Kimmy posted a full frontal, all-nude selfie, and all the slut shamers showed up to express concern. Their message is a lot like the one we give athletes — the only acceptable use of your voice or your body is for our gratification, not yours.

You are a role model as long as you say what we want.

You are a sex symbol as long as we post the pics.

We tell little girls to cover up and young athletes to shut up until we get women and athletes who are taught their bodies and voices, their very selves, are dangerous. The problem is not them. It is us.

I am not someone who Keeps Up With The Kardashians or who is even a Kimmye fan. But when I saw that selfie, I thought “hell yeah” just like I thought “you tell ‘em, Bryce” when I read his thoughts in that article.

Because I know both of them understood the consequences and fallout of being themselves and did it anyway. They said “bleep you” to everybody telling them they had to be a certain way.

We need more athletes, more people like this honestly.

So you close yours and you cover yours.

And let Bryce and Kimmy handle theirs.

Jen Floyd Engel