Veterans committee should review players separately for Hall of Fame

Graham Womack

Veterans committee should review players separately for Hall of Fame image

When the Today’s Game Committee met just over a week ago, it did the thing it’s done repeatedly over the past several years. It voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame the two most obvious candidates on its ballot, Atlanta Braves president John Schuerholz and former MLB commissioner Bud Selig.

Beginning with the 2011 induction, what’s colloquially known as the "veterans committee" has voted in just two players, both dead, while voting in three managers, four executives and an umpire. Six of the 10 selections have been candidates up for consideration for the first time by any Hall of Fame voting body: Selig, Schuerholz, Pat Gillick, Tony La Russa, Joe Torre and Bobby Cox,

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There’s an easy explanation for why this has happened. Beginning with the 2011 induction, Hall of Fame committees have considered candidates on one ballot each year. These committees are the first to consider managers, executives and umpires. The Baseball Writers' Association of America doesn’t vote on these candidates, though players can stay on its ballot as long as 10 years.

What this leads to are ballots with inner circle managers, executives and umpires competing for consideration with players passed over by the BBWAA — generally second and third-tier candidates.

Under this arrangement, it might be awhile before the veterans committee enshrines another living player. If the Hall of Fame wants the committee to stay true to the reason it was created — considering overlooked players — Cooperstown might want to consider returning to having the committee vote on players separately.

Chances this will happen: 75 percent, though it’s hard to say when

Why: The Hall of Fame has continually tinkered with its veterans’ voting process throughout its history, from the ill-fated, one-off election of 1936 that put no players in, to its Old Timers Committee that operated from 1939 to 1949, to the current veterans’ system that essentially dates to 1953.

To name just a few of the changes that have occurred with the veterans committee over the years:

  • Beginning in 1953, the veterans committee voted in odd years. After its 1956 election, the BBWAA switched to even-year voting. In 1959, Sporting News publisher J.G. Taylor Spink resigned as veterans committee chairman, writing in his letter of resignation that under the current system, many worthy players from long ago might not get in. When the writers failed to induct anyone the following year, the veterans committee opted to resume voting annually;
  • Initially, players had to be retired 30 years to be considered by the veterans committee. For the 1963 election, this was cut to 20 years. For one year and one year only, the veterans committee got to consider two separate groups: one for holdover candidates from the year before and another for newly eligible players. The committee elected two players from each group. Imagine if the committee still got to conduct elections this way. It did nothing of the short when player eligibility with the BBWAA was cut from 15 years to 10 a few years ago;
  • After the first Negro League Committee dissolved in the late 1970s, the veterans committee considered Negro Leaguers for more than 20 years. In the early 2000s, the Hall of Fame received a grant to convene a one-off, mass election that would close the door on Negro League selections. A special Negro League Committee voted in 12 players and five executives in 2006, though not Buck O’Neil. Much public outcry ensued, and in July, the Hall of Fame finally made Negro Leaguers eligible again — though only once every 10 years.

Many other changes could be listed, particularly the Hall’s decision after the 2001 election to no longer have the veterans committee vote on the same era of players annually, a decision that’s persisted for 15 years through multiple rebrands of the committee.

The Hall’s decision in July to create four committees based on era to vote in rotating years — the Today’s Game Committee, spanning 1988 to present, voting twice every five years; the Modern Baseball Committee, spanning 1970 to 1987, voting twice every five years; the Golden Days Committee, spanning 1950 to 1969, voting once every five years; and the Early Baseball Committee, for before 1950, voting once every 10 years — was only the latest reinforcement.

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The point is, the Hall of Fame can and has made its own rules as it’s went. If it wants to make a change, it can and has so many times. There’s nothing inherently wrong with this, though the changes have seemed capricious sometimes. There’s rarely been several years go by without some kind of tweak in its veterans voting structure. A change will brew before too long. But it’s hard to say whether players will be helped by whatever change comes next.

Because the veterans committee has enshrined just three players since 2001 — Joe Gordon in 2009, Ron Santo in 2012 and Deacon White in 2013 — it doesn’t appear that Cooperstown wants many players getting in via committee. The Hall’s M.O. seems to be to have the door cracked open just enough that candidates of Santo’s caliber can get in, but not flood Cooperstown.

From a business standpoint, it’s a somewhat defensible move. It promotes exclusivity and protects the Hall of Fame’s brand. The players who are struggling to get in under this arrangement deserve better, though.

Sadly, the thing that got Santo in and could get other aging candidates enshrined — Dick Allen, Bobby Grich and Dwight Evans, to name a few — is collective guilt after they die without being enshrined. For now, Grich and Evans can be considered by the committee twice every five years and hope they aren’t up against top-flight managers, umpires and executives. Allen might be relegated to once every five years if he’s assigned as a candidate to the Golden Days Committee because his career began in 1963.

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Thing is, the original purpose of the veterans committee was to weigh candidates overlooked by the writers. For 15 years, and particularly since 2011, the committee hasn’t been doing much of this. Perhaps it’s received false assurance that it’s done its job from the fine managers, umpires and executives it’s put in.

In time, perhaps a glut of Steroid Era candidates and other greats on the ballot could lead the Hall of Fame to once again revamp its voting process. For now, it looks like slim pickings for candidates such as Allen, Grich, and Evans.

Graham Womack