Barack Obama, MLB and the worrisome future of Beisbol en Cuba

Adrian Burgos Jr.

Barack Obama, MLB and the worrisome future of Beisbol en Cuba image

This week’s visit of President Barack Obama to Cuba is a historic moment in U.S.-Cuban relations. Americans of all backgrounds and political persuasions are curious observers of something not seen for nearly 90 years, a U.S. president stepping onto Cuban soil and interacting with the Cuban people in addition to meeting with Cuban government officials.

Baseball aficionados throughout the Americas are among those closely watching the events unfolding in Cuba, and it’s not really because the Rays are set to play an exhibition Tuesday vs. the Cuban national team in Havana, or that Obama is expected to attend the game.

MORE: Cuban players in the majors | Latino legends

Rather, it is the future of Cuban baseball that is drawing the attention of fans, even as the shared baseball past between the U.S. and Cuba is being invoked throughout the trip. The different paths created for Cuban baseball players by the two countries’ complicated past will be on display during the ceremonial first pitch: Cuban-born Luis Tiant, who starred for years in the majors, will be joined by Pedro Luis Lazo, a pitching star who never left Cuba.

Some of Obama’s companions on Air Force One represent the significance of the occasion, not just politically, but also for professional baseball in the Americas, today and historically. 

Accompanying the first African-American to serve as U.S. president were Rachel Robinson and Sharon Robinson, the widow and daughter of Jackie Robinson. The Robinsons joining the first U.S. president to step foot on Cuban soil since 1928 marked another historical return visit to Cuba.

Nearly 70 years ago, Jackie Robinson and fellow African-Americans Roy Campanella, Don Newcombe and Roy Partlow spent spring training in Havana along with the members of the minor league Montreal Royals and their parent club, the Brooklyn Dodgers. 

PHOTOS: Jackie Robinson's first spring training | 42 images from SN's archives

Cuba provided a refuge for the quartet. While the country had its own racial fault lines, it kept the group beyond the reach of Jim Crow laws that dictated how spring training was conducted in Florida. Robinson thus had a better opportunity to impress general manager Branch Rickey and show other front-office people he was ready to break the majors’ color line. 

The 1947 spring training in Cuba, as well as the Dodgers’ visit to Panama that spring and the Dominican Republic the following spring, inspired a generation of black Latinos including Felipe Alou that they, too, could one day pursue a career en las grandes ligas.

Today, Major League Baseball and the U.S. government are initiating changes that could create a safer passage for Cuban players to the United States. 

Recreating the Cuban talent pipeline?

From the 1910s through the 1950s, Cuba was the majors’ largest source of foreign-born talent. It was the era of Adolfo Luque, Miguel Angel “Mike” González, Armando Marsans and Napoleon Reyes, among others. 

Had there not been a color line in place barring blacks from participating in organized baseball, the presence of Cubans would have been even greater. 

RADOM: The beautiful visuals of Cuban baseball

The majority of Cubans who ventured to the United States to play in the era before Robinson’s breaking of that barrier starred in the Negro leagues. That was the era of José Mendez, Cristobal Torriente, Luis “Lefty” Tiant (Luis’ father) and Martin Dihigo. The era closed with Cuban players like Orestes “Minnie” Miñoso, Edmundo “Sandy” Amoros and others departing from the Negro leagues to become part of the generation that pioneered integration in the majors.

In the 1950s, Cuba was a playground for American tourists and the main source of foreign-born talent to the major leagues. The break in U.S.-Cuban diplomatic relations following the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and the initiation of the U.S. trade embargo left Cuban players with a difficult choice: go north to pursue a major league career and leave the country of their birth behind; or stay with their family and friends in revolutionary Cuba, a place where professional baseball had an uncertain future (but where baseball was the unparalleled favorite sport of the Cuban people).

That was the choice a young Luis Tiant faced. His father starred in the Negro leagues during the 1930s and ‘40s. The elder Tiant’s experience encountering racial hostility and discrimination in the United States left its mark to the point he actively tried to dissuade his son from pursuing a professional baseball career en los estados unidos. For the younger Tiant, the end of U.S.-Cuban relations meant the pathway to the big leagues would necessarily go through a third country, in his case Mexico. 

MORE: Rays outfielder reunites with family in Cuba

In the decades to follow, the talent pipeline that had produced all-star talents Tiant, Tany “Tony” Pérez, Camilo Pascual and Miguel “Mike” Cuellar slowed to a trickle and then no flow at all.

Baseball began to look elsewhere in the Caribbean for talent. First it turned to Puerto Rico in the 1960s and 1970s, then to the Dominican Republic in the 1980s. Scouts looked for prospects they could sign cheaply.

Cuban talent remained cut off to the majors until the early 1990s when Rene Arocha and others began to brave the barriers that had been placed between them and their baseball aspirations. Defection attempts ran the gamut in the 1990s and 2000s, ranging from seemingly desperate, slapdash efforts to sophisticated plans coordinated by a multinational network of agents, confidants and friends. Many are familiar with the tales of those who took to the seas off the Cuban coast hoping to guide their vessels to the Bahamas or elsewhere in the Caribbean.

Countless never made it: they were detained by Cuban police or military officials, their vessels capsized before reaching their destination, or they were captured by U.S. authorities on the open seas and returned.

The attempts have taken an even more perilous turn over the past decade as the payoff for success has grown ever larger. Yasiel Puig’s tale of being smuggled out of Cuba and held by his smugglers while negotiating his contract shed light on the dangers (and dangerous people) involved. His case and others revealed the increasing involvement of narco-traffickers who possess the means of transport, financial wherewithal and knowledge of nautical routes to spirit players out of Cuba to points in Latin and Central America. There, the player is held while a signing agreement is secured.

Exposés in the international press about what was happening to these prospects and their families raised concerns that what had evolved was tantamount to human trafficking. They placed pressure on authorities in the United States, Cuba and Mexico as well as MLB officials to address the problem.

Déjà vu all over again (the Dominican model transplanted?)

Last week’s announcement by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control of amendments to the Cuban sanctions set in motion the potential dislodging of the middle men involved in the smuggling of Cuban players. The changes allowing for the direct payment of Cuban citizens such as ballplayers in pursuit of professional employment in the United States clears one hurdle (among several) that major league organizations have long faced in their pursuit of Cuban talent. Until this change, players opted to set up residency in a third country in order to expedite their becoming eligible to sign with an organization.

The announced change is welcomed news for those who have grown wary that U.S. regulations, in conjunction with the large contracts offered by MLB teams to Cuban defectors, were creating an incentive structure for not just defections but for trafficking.

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The new rules also raise the question of how this might impact the relationship between Major League Baseball and Cuban baseball. For certain, MLB commissioner Rob Manfred is working the goodwill angle in arranging for the Rays to play a game in Havana just a month after a tour of major leaguers organized by the players association and the commissioner’s office, a trip that included return of Cubans Puig, José Abreu and Alexei Ramirez to their native land. 

Cubans love their baseball, and they also enjoy seeing their native sons achieve success in the major leagues; however, there remains a concern that MLB aspires to create a talent development system in Cuba along the lines of that in the Dominican Republic, where teams have established baseball academies throughout the island.

The potential of MLB supplanting the Cuban system of baseball talent development through its national institute of sport and recreation (INDER) is worrisome on multiple levels. 

For starters, the Cuban system develops not just players but also coaches, trainers and team managers while also providing others with practical experience in sports. These individuals move through the ranks of INDER and become the next generation of coaches, managers and officials. 

Second, a talent drain on the Cuban league might diminish the quality of the league, but even more concerning is that it could lead to the dismantling of the baseball development infrastructure in Cuba. This would be akin to what transpired with the Negro leagues and black baseball in the U.S. after the majors launched integration. Organizations took players it deemed the most talented or with the potential to develop into major leaguers from the Negro leagues and, for the most part, failed to integrate those who had developed expertise as coaches, managers, business managers or team executives. The lack of opportunities for African-Americans in baseball beyond the playing field until the mid-1970s meant that these men could not fulfill their desires for a longer career in organized baseball and they would have to apply their sporting expertise elsewhere.

So while the scenes of President Obama walking though Havana streets greeting the Cuban people is truly historic, and while the return of Rachel Robinson, Luis Tiant and José Cardenal reminds observers of the complicated past shared by Cubans and the major leagues, it is MLB’s design for a role in Cuba that will likely have an enduring impact on the future of Cuban baseball and, by extension, the effectiveness of baseball diplomacy.

SN contributor Adrian Burgos Jr. is professor of history at the University of Illinois. His expertise includes Latinos in baseball and the Negro leagues. The author of "Cuban Star: How One Negro League Owner Changed the Face of Baseball" (Hill & Wang, 2011) and "Playing America’s Game: Baseball, Latinos, and the Color Line" (University of California Press, 2007), he consulted for the National Baseball Hall of Fame’s ¡Viva Baseball! exhibit, Ken Burns’ "The Tenth Inning" and on the forthcoming "Jackie Robinson," among other exhibits and documentaries.

Adrian Burgos Jr.