Is Mike Trout getting more fastballs? He says yes, numbers say no

Jesse Spector

Is Mike Trout getting more fastballs? He says yes, numbers say no image

CINCINNATI — Leading the American League with 26 homers at the All-Star break after hitting 28 all of last year, Albert Pujols was the top seed for the Home Run Derby on Monday night, as the three-time MVP returned to the All-Star Game for the first time since 2010.

Pujols’ .855 OPS is his highest mark since he posted an .859 in 2012 and he has offered tremendous protection in the West-leading Angels’ lineup for Mike Trout, who appears poised to win his second straight MVP.

MORE: 13 best career All-Star performancesAll-Star Game 2015: Get to know the lineups | Longest homers at every MLB park 

So says Trout, anyway.

“When he’s hot, I see a lot more fastballs,” Trout said. “Having him in the lineup, that presence, it intimidates a team a little bit. Watching him, when he’s locked in, it’s fun to watch.”

Trout believes he is seeing more fastballs, but the numbers say otherwise. According to PitchF/X data, via Fangraphs, Trout has gotten fastballs 42.4 percent of the time this year, compared with 44 percent last year, when Pujols had a .790 OPS. If there’s a direct correlation between Pujols being hot and Trout seeing fastballs in front of him, it’s not showing up in those numbers.

While it’s true that Trout saw more fastballs in 2014 than he did in 2013, when Pujols was injured for half the year, his PitchF/X fastball rate for that season was in line with what he saw in 2012, when Pujols was healthy and mashing at that .859 OPS clip.

Various studies have been debunking the theory of lineup protection for more than a decade, to the point where even though a player like Trout will espouse it, a manager will knock it down.

“Listen, if you’re in the box, there’s nobody to protect you but yourself,” Mariners skipper Lloyd McClendon said. “You choose to walk a guy or you choose to pitch to him. I don’t think that has anything to do with protection. I had (Miguel) Cabrera and (Prince) Fielder (when McClendon was a coach with the Tigers). I don’t think either one of them needed protection. … I think it’s more of a myth than anything else. You still have to make quality pitches. Whether there’s a big bat behind you or not, you still have to make quality pitches.”

But then, you can also find a pitcher who does put some credence in the idea, so…

“In a lineup that has a lot of stronger bats, it’s definitely more strategic how you’re going to attack them up and down the lineup,” Rays right-hander Brad Boxberger said. “If you know someone on deck is a better hitter, or a hotter hitter at the time, you might pitch the guy a little differently before him.”

But then, Boxberger added that as a reliever, he goes after every hitter, without regard for who is batting next, and that if there is anything to the notion of protection, it’s about “lineup management” for pitchers.

The real answer may be that everything depends on situations and the mental aspect of the game. Overall, the number of fastballs that Trout sees might be a little bit lower than last year, but there may be more times in the cat-and-mouse game with the pitcher that he can zero in on a heater.

Whatever the case, Trout’s wOBA has gone from .409 in 2012 to .423 in 2013 to .402 last year to .427 this year. Whether Pujols is doing well, doing badly, or out of the lineup entirely, Trout is outstanding. What Pujols’ performance means is that the Angels have another All-Star bat in the lineup, and navigating past Trout and him is a challenge that has proven so troublesome for the rest of the American League that the Angels are in first place.

Jesse Spector