Fenway fans get what they want, but this end for A-Rod is ugly

Bob Hille

Fenway fans get what they want, but this end for A-Rod is ugly image

If you're looking for a feel-good story, you've come to the wrong place and team. 

It's crystal clear that Alex Rodriguez's last days in a Yankees uniform won't be warm and fuzzy. So when manager Joe Girardi used A-Rod as a pinch-hitter Wednesday night, giving chanting Fenway fans what they wanted, Rodriguez was booed heartily, gave a mighty swing … and flied out to right field.

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In fairness, the popout advanced a runner in a five-run seventh inning key to a 9-4 Yankees win.

So why doesn't this feel good?

Maybe it's Girardi, telling reporters before Wednesday's game (via ESPN.com) that it's not in his job description to run "a farewell tour," then stopping one word shy of "I told you so" after using Rodriguez as a pinch-hitter: "I told you: In certain situations, I'm going to use him." Hmm, no finger wag, though.

Maybe it's conspiracy theorists seeing a high-level plot by the Yankees front office to embarrass Rodriguez by saying he would get more playing time in Boston and then keeping him on the bench.

And who should know high-level plots and conspiracy theories better than New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who during an interview on WFAN (via NorthJersey.com) said, “this sounds like [Yankees president] Randy Levine, right? It just sounds like Randy Levine just whispered in Girardi’s ear and said: ‘No shot.'"

Christie went on to reference the history of hostility between A-Rod and Levine in 2013-14. “And remember, [Rodriguez] killed Levine in particular, personally killed Levine. That’s why I think it’s Levine saying, ‘Oh, really? Are you kidding?’"

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Good theory, Gov. Bridgegate. One problem: Levine denied any role in recent lineup decisions via an email response to NorthJersey.com. “I have not been involved nor spoken with Joe Girardi in weeks,” he wrote, an assertion backed by an unidentified source telling the site that the estrangement between Girardi and A-Rod is coming “entirely” from the manager.

Maybe that explains Rodriguez's response before Wednesday's game, when asked about his relationship with his skipper: "I'm just going to keep it about the game."

So, compare this situation to another Yankee limping to the finish line. Derek Jeter continued to bat in the No. 2 spot in his final season, despite numbers that didn't justify his a place that high in the order. No way Girardi would take on "the Captain." The manager would've gotten crushed.

A scarcely half-as-popular Rodriguez, who entered the Red Sox series four games from his finish and four homers from 700, doesn't get that pass.

Which brings to the surface an emotion rarely if ever connected to A-Rod: sympathy.

Maybe Rodriguez — yes, even the man with as many missteps as homers — deserves better than this.

Presumably he will start Thursday night at Fenway, unless Girardi changes his mind ("My job description is to try and win every game and put everyone in the best possible position, and that's what I'm trying to do," he said Wednesday.)

Then it's back to the Bronx for A-Rod's final game Friday at Yankee Stadium.

A prediction: There won't be a wet eye in the house.

Bob Hille

Bob Hille Photo

Bob Hille, a senior content consultant for The Sporting News, has been part of the TSN team for most of the past 30 years, including as managing editor and executive editor. He is a native of Texas (forever), adopted son of Colorado, where he graduated from Colorado State, and longtime fan of “Bull Durham” (h/t Annie Savoy for The Sporting News mention).