Albert Belle on Hall of Fame: 'Sooner or later, people are going to recognize how good my numbers were'

Graham Womack

Albert Belle on Hall of Fame: 'Sooner or later, people are going to recognize how good my numbers were' image

Who he was: It might not have been that surprising when Albert Belle fell off the Baseball Writers' Association of America ballot for the Hall of Fame in 2007, receiving just 3.5 percent of the vote.

Belle ranks as perhaps the best power hitter of the 1990s, depending on one’s view of Barry Bonds, Ken Griffey Jr. or Mark McGwire. But the former Cleveland Indians slugger also might have been MLB’s most temperamental star, exploding at fans and media members such as Hannah Storm, chasing teenagers in his car one Halloween, and once inspiring a Sports Illustrated cover that read “Tick… tick… tick.”

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Belle also walked away from baseball early, with an arthritic hip ending his career in spring training in 2001, a few months before his 35th birthday. With 500 home runs, it would have been hard for writers to justify leaving Belle off their Hall of Fame ballots. With 381, it was an easy snub.

But dig into his stats a little deeper and Belle might have a case as one of the better overlooked hitters outside Cooperstown. For the length of his career and numbers, Belle’s fairly similar to a couple of hitters long since enshrined, Hack Wilson and Chuck Klein. His 144 OPS+ is better than a number of hitters already in. And for the 1990s, Belle averaged 43 home runs, 133 RBIs and a .299 batting average.

“Sooner or later, people are going to recognize how good my numbers were for the short amount of games I played,” Belle said in a recent phone interview.

A first-time candidate on the veterans’ ballot this fall, Belle has one of the more interesting cases among the 10 candidates. On a weak ballot, he might even have a decent shot at getting in.

Cooperstown chances: 30 percent

Why: Former commissioner Bud Selig and Atlanta Braves president John Schuerholz could be sure things on the ballot for what’s officially known as the Today’s Game Committee.

Beyond Selig and Schuerholz, the ballot looks like something of a crapshoot.

The late George Steinbrenner is back on the veterans ballot, but no great groundswell of support seems to be developing for the former New York Yankees owner. Same goes for the other players on the ballot — long-time designated hitter Harold Baines, former San Francisco Giants star Will Clark, Orel Hershiser and Mark McGwire — and the managers on it, Lou Piniella or Davey Johnson.

Then there’s Belle, who seems to have mellowed considerably with age.

"I just turned 50 this year,” Belle said. “Life changes compared to when I was 25 or 30. ... I don't have to take on the world and do everything Albert's way, because now, it's not about me."

Belle and his wife of 12 years live in Scottsdale, Ariz., where they’re raising three daughters, ages 10, 9 and 6. While he was on the phone with Sporting News, the sounds of happy voices could be heard in the background yelling, “Daddy, come play with us.”

Belle noted, "I was just telling my wife, I was like, 'I couldn't imagine trying to wake up and play a game after I was up with the kid all night because they had the flu and I had to stay up and take care of them and make sure they were OK. Once one kid gets sick, the others get sick, then I get sick.'"

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His mind mostly isn’t on baseball these days, though Belle looked back fondly on his career.

"I enjoyed every minute of it,” Belle said. “I might not have had a smile on my face all the time, but I did enjoy great moments."

He seemingly accomplished everything he did without steroids, once telling an interviewer, “I was just an angry black man.” Part of his reason for shying away might have had to do with a focus on sobriety that came after he went to rehab for alcohol abuse early in his career.

"If you wanted to, yes, it was probably easy to get (steroids),” Belle said. “I just wasn't a drug guy, because I was always afraid of the side effects. You could die. You may not die instantly. You may die sooner than later. You just never know."

Belle said he’s against steroid users being in Cooperstown.

"It's just unfair to the guys that didn't use it,” Belle said. “You were kind of suspicious that guys were putting on 30 pounds in the offseason and ending up having these good careers."

MORE: Belle among 11 most controversial players in baseball history

But without being asked specifically about it, Belle went on record supporting amnesty for another controversial candidate, Pete Rose.

"We just need to go ahead and forgive him, put him in the Hall of Fame, and just tell him, 'Hey, you know what, you can't get a job, you can't manage again, you can't even manage a Little League baseball team," Belle said. "Go in the stands, get your hot dog, get a beer cold and enjoy the game.'"

Belle would also like to see former teammate and Cleveland Indians shortstop Omar Vizquel enshrined.

“The guy could play a great shortstop,” Belle said. “He was a great on-field general.”

The biggest things working against Belle’s candidacy when committee voters convene at the winter meetings in a few weeks? These voters are a famously fickle bunch. And few candidates with borderline numbers and questionable off-field issues have gotten in. Just ask Dwight Gooden, Maury Wills or Don Newcombe.

Belle could find himself on the outside looking in again this year with the Hall of Fame, not that it seems to bother him. He went back to college in retirement, earning an accounting degree from LSU. Belle’s interested in becoming an MLB owner, saying he weighed getting a stake in the Kansas City Royals when they were up for sale.

"I'd love to be involved in the ownership in baseball,” Belle said. “Right opportunity presents itself, I'll do that. If not, I'll just enjoy being home with the kids."

Graham Womack