Collusion hurt Al Oliver's Hall of Fame case; can he still get in?

Graham Womack

Collusion hurt Al Oliver's Hall of Fame case; can he still get in? image

In January 1995, Al Oliver finally got paid for 1986.

The former National League batting champion had last played in 1985, unable to get a contract for the following season. But on Jan. 10, 1995, arbitrator Thomas Roberts ruled that collusion by Major League Baseball had cost Oliver and nine other players jobs in 1986. Roberts awarded Oliver $680,031.05.

For Oliver, the stakes were high when he lost his livelihood. Oliver stalled out at 2,743 hits and a .303 lifetime batting average. A few months past his 39th birthday heading into the 1986 season, it’s conceivable Oliver could’ve reached 3,000 hits by his early forties.

"I could easily have DH'd another four or five years without any problems at the rate that I was going and the condition I was in," Oliver, 70, told Sporting News in a recent phone interview from his Ohio home.

MORE: Ranking the 25 worst Baseball Hall of Fame selections

Oliver’s Hall of Fame case is underwhelming sabermetrically, with him ranking as the 52nd-best centerfielder by JAWS. Until recently, though, 3,000 hits was an automatic ticket for Cooperstown.

Fewer than 300 hits shy of the mark, though, Oliver received 4.3 percent of the Hall of Fame vote in 1991, his only year on the ballot with the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. The seven-time All-Star deserved, at the very least, more consideration.

"Everything that a Hall of Famer is supposed to be, I line up with that," said Oliver, who played 18 season in the majors, most notably with the Pirates, Rangers and Expos.

There’s still hope for him. This fall, Oliver will be eligible through the Modern Baseball Committee, which considers players who made their greatest contribution to baseball between 1970 and 1987. Does Oliver still have a chance at a plaque?

Cooperstown chances: 40 percent

Why: Oliver said he had an interesting conversation last year with a man. "It's not a question of if I belong,” Oliver said, paraphrasing the man. “It's who's keeping me out."

The current veterans’ voting process is hurting Oliver and a number of other worthy candidates. Since 2002, what’s colloquially known as the Veterans Committee has never considered the same era of players in consecutive years. Not surprisingly, committees have voted in just three players in this time, none of them living.

Many good candidates are languishing under this process from Dick Allen to Jim Kaat to Minnie Minoso. Allen and Kaat could be included on the upcoming Modern Baseball Committee ballot this fall. So could Alan Trammell, Dale Murphy, Thurman Munson and any number of other well-known players.

Worse for Oliver’s chances, some veteran ballots have only had five players to choose from in recent elections. If this happens, Oliver doesn’t have much of a chance this year.

The process is affecting former teammates of Oliver’s as well, such as Dave Parker. The two still keep in touch, with Parker also living in Ohio. "Anytime I ... call him, I (say), 'Now you know who's calling, Dave. It's the second-best hitter in baseball,'" Oliver said.

Parker took over as right fielder for the Pirates after the death of Roberto Clemente, winning two batting titles and the 1978 National League Most Valuable Player Award. In 1981, baseball writers Donald Honig and Lawrence Ritter named Parker one of the 100 best players in baseball history.

But Parker developed well-documented drug problems, eventually testifying in the Pittsburgh drug trials of the mid-1980s.

"Whatever happened in Dave's situation has kept him out of the Hall of Fame, because if there was ever a Hall of Famer, Dave Parker was one," Oliver said.

MORE: 10 players whose Hall of Fame cases were hurt by bad luck

In a wide-ranging, hour-long conversation for this article, Oliver touched on other aspects of his career, such as playing with Clemente.

"To some people, his flaw was his honesty,” Oliver said. “He was different because when you interview players, as a rule, they become somewhat diplomatic in their answers. But Roberto was the type of guy where if you asked him a question, he gave you an honest answer. They took his honesty sometimes the wrong way and they ran with it toward the negative rather than the way he said it in a positive way."

At least once, Oliver heard Clemente get asked whether he, Willie Mays or Hank Aaron was the best player

"First of all, whoever asked that question probably should have been fired," Oliver said.

He added, "What was he to say?"

Oliver also said of Clemente, though: "He felt that he was just as good as Aaron and as Mays. He didn't hit with the power, but he had power. But he chose to be a line drive-type hitter."

Oliver was also playing first base when his best friend in baseball, Dock Ellis, threw a no-hitter while allegedly under the influence of LSD. For the record, Oliver doesn’t believe Ellis used LSD the day he pitched. At most, Oliver thinks Dock maybe went to Los Angeles on an off-day and had LSD in his system from there.

"As good a pitcher as Dock Ellis was, I don't think Bob Gibson, Tom Seaver, as great of pitchers as they were, could throw a no-hitter on LSD," Oliver said.

He added, "I don't think Nolan (Ryan) even could through a no-hitter on LSD without killing someone at the plate."

Asked whether he was optimistic for his Hall of Fame chances, Oliver said, "As we speak, not the way things have gone, unless the man upstairs says, 'OK, Al. It's your time.'"

He added: “When you're not in control, then it's totally out of your hands, and there's nothing that you can do but just move on with your life."

An ordained Baptist deacon, Oliver travels the world as a motivational speaker. He sees an altruistic benefit to Hall of Fame induction if it happens.

"It would give me the platform I need to bring forth the positive messages to people who I know (need) to hear that there is hope (in) being a positive person, building high self-esteem, feeling good about yourself, more unity among all people,” Oliver said. “These are the things that I like to talk about. It would give me the platform to do what I really believe that God has set out for me to do."

Graham Womack