Clueless or callous? Ken Williams failed basic chemistry with LaRoche decision

Jason Foster

Clueless or callous? Ken Williams failed basic chemistry with LaRoche decision image

For a moment, forget what you’ve read and heard in the Adam LaRoche-takes-his-kid-to-work saga.

Forget the discussion about work-life balance, about how it’s the same thing LaRoche’s father did with him, and about how no other business would’ve tolerated a kid in the office all day, every day.

PHOTOS: Drake and dad: See younger LaRoche through the years

There are two more important questions that remain unanswered:

1. If there were complaints, why was LaRoche told to dial it back based on the gripes of what had to be just a few players?

2. Regardless of the reason, how could White Sox executive vice president Ken Williams either not know or not care that his decision would have such an effect on his clubhouse?

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By all accounts, 14-year-old Drake LaRoche is/was a beloved figure in the White Sox clubhouse, just as he was in the Nationals’ locker room in Washington, where LaRoche played before coming to Chicago.

That means any decision to complain to the front office was far from a unanimous one among LaRoche’s teammates. And it probably was a quiet one.

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Maybe a couple of rookies didn’t feel they had the standing in the clubhouse to address the issue internally. Perhaps it was a recently arrived veteran who also didn’t feel it was his place to bring it up. Maybe there was another reason. It could’ve been any of these and it could’ve been none.

Regardless of the who or the why, Williams made the decision to fix something that wasn’t broken, perhaps on the complaints of a few who would apparently put self before team and now sit anonymously in a clubhouse whose chemistry is at least temporarily tainted. 

Teams have guidelines, but for the most part the clubhouse is a players’ democracy of sorts. If a majority of players likes something a certain way, it’s probably best for dissenters to let it go, especially if things are cool otherwise. Until there’s evidence that a clubhouse X-factor is significantly affecting team chemistry or, worse yet, negatively affecting play on the field, the majority should rule. There’s no evidence of either in the White Sox's case. In other words, things didn't look like this.

If Williams’ decision was the result of complaints, why not tell the complainers to get over it, given how popular Drake is with the rest of the team? To find in favor of a small minority over a clear majority would be odd.

But that's relatively minor compared to this: Did Williams not anticipate how his players would react? Did he really not know? Or did he not care? Either one doesn’t bode well for a team trying to revamp the clubhouse dynamic, unless the team wants an us-vs.-them dynamic.

Front-office types will often keep in touch with a veteran or two to gauge clubhouse chemistry or just to have a finger on the pulse of the team. That apparently wasn’t happening on the South Side, at least not with Williams.

Ace pitcher Chris Sale reportedly tore into Williams during a tense clubhouse meeting after the decision was announced, with Sale telling Williams he isn’t in the clubhouse enough to know the deal. Sale wasn’t alone; players even considered boycotting a game. From all reports, LaRoche had the OK of general manager Rick Hahn and manager Robin Ventura to bring Drake around as much as he wanted. The reversal from on high apparently bothered teammates as much as anything.

Given all this, we can deduce that Drake LaRoche’s presence wasn’t just another minor clubhouse preference such as what’s on the TVs or what's in the snack tray. No way players would consider boycotting if they wanted M&Ms but were only given Skittles.

This was something players felt strongly about. And though a major league clubhouse is far from a typical office, for the boss to not know this shows, at best, a lack of communication and, at worst, a complete disconnect with his employees. For a boss to know but not care, well, that doesn't seem like it would end well for anybody. 

Williams has said he doesn't care whether he's popular in the clubhouse. Maybe this illustrates that. But it doesn't seem like the tone a front office wants to set so close to the start of a new season with high hopes.

So a little more than two weeks from opening day, the White Sox are, at least until/unless LaRoche reconsiders his retirement, down a player, up $13 million and left with a whole lot of hard feelings. 

Jason Foster

Jason Foster Photo

Jason Foster joined The Sporting News in 2015 after stops at various news outlets where he held a variety of reporting and editing roles and covered just about every topic imaginable. He is a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America and a 1998 graduate of Appalachian State University.