Adam Jones is right, but baseball's racial makeup shouldn't stop national anthem protests

Jesse Spector

Adam Jones is right, but baseball's racial makeup shouldn't stop national anthem protests image

Orioles center fielder Adam Jones is one of those athletes who thinks a step beyond a lot of his peers, and it makes him a very interesting interview subject.

Earlier this year, in a conversation that started with pro wrestling, Jones turned to the subject of fantasy sports, and the way that they have made the real-life sports culture different.

“You don’t go out and go 4 for 4, you ain’t helping your fantasy team,” Jones told Sporting News. “Your team could’ve won, and they don’t give a crap about that. They want their fantasy points. It’s changed the level of thinking in sports, and we just go with it. So long as we win, who cares about some kid’s fantasy team? I don’t care. I played fantasy football, and you catch people doing it, when we’re athltes. It’s like, ‘You have rough weeks. You have rough games. Put yourself — you’re an athlete!’ I play fantasy just so I can watch every game, have a little more interest. It gives you an appreciation.”

Jones did an interview with USA Today on a much more serious topic, the recent protests by Colin Kaepernick and other NFL players during the national anthem, and why they have not spread to baseball. The Orioles center fielder had a lot of interesting and on-the-money things to say, such as, “The outside world doesn’t really respect athletes unless they talk about what they want them to talk about. Society doesn’t think we deserve the right to have an opinion on social issues.”

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More specifically, on Kaepernick, Jones said, “At the end of the day, if you don’t respect his freedoms, then why the hell are we Americans? It’s supposed to be the land of the free, right?”

It’s too bad that the money quote from Jones, the one that USA Today used for its headline, is a miss.

Asked why baseball players haven’t joined Kaepernick and other football players in protest, Jones said, “We already have two strikes against us, so you might as well not kick yourself out of the game. In football, you can’t kick them out. You need those players. In baseball, they don’t need us. Baseball is a white man’s sport.”

Baseball, for sure, is a whiter sport than football. This is not in dispute. The idea that football players can’t be kicked out, though… no. The NFL has non-guaranteed contracts and a high rate of player attrition. It was less than four years ago that Kaepernick himself was starting in the Super Bowl, and now he’s a backup at the age of 28. He took a massive professional risk with his protest, because it would have been easy for the 49ers to cut a nonconformist causing controversy on the eve of the season. Such a move would have shocked precisely zero people.

If Jones, one of the most important players on the Orioles, decided to take a knee during the national anthem to protest institutionalized racism, especially in policing, he would not lose his job. That’s not to say he has to do it — although he has clear feelings on the issues, the way that he expresses his feelings is his choice. It is likewise a choice for every player in every sport, regardless of race. Women’s soccer is a whiter sport than baseball, and Megan Rapinoe, who is white, made her choice to stand with Kaepernick by kneeling for the anthem. Her reasons, like Jones’ reasons for continuing to stand, were her own.

Will there be backlash when a baseball player, or multiple baseball players, decide to join in? Absolutely. It’s understandable to be wary of such scrutiny, especially for players in the middle of a pennant race who do not want to be seen as acting outside the team. That explanation makes more sense than the idea that baseball is a white man’s sport, when the very idea of the protest is to decry that America is a white man’s country — something Jones hit on brilliantly with all the other words he said.

Jesse Spector