Mexico players' party shouldn't affect World Cup performance

Jon Arnold

Mexico players' party shouldn't affect World Cup performance image

It wouldn’t be the Mexico national team without some sort of scandal.

There was Miguel Herrera fighting a commentator in 2015, sex workers in Ecuador ahead of the Copa America in 2011, Carlos Vela and Efrain Juarez getting suspended after a post-friendly bash in Monterrey and the whole clenbuterol situation ahead of the 2013 Gold Cup.

This time around, Mexican tabloid TVNotas claims several players took part in a wild party after Saturday’s 1-0 victory against Scotland apparently hiring 30 ‘VIP Escorts’ and not emerging from around 10:30 p.m. after the match until 4 p.m. the next day.

The story caught fire, in no small part because El Tri will be front-page news in Mexico for the rest of the summer and nothing else happened Tuesday aside from a training session. The big news was that Diego Reyes trained apart from the team.

You can see why photos of women in tight dresses hanging around the same place as Guillermo Ochoa and the Dos Santos brothers would sell a bit better than the hard news today.

The report cites an anonymous source who says he or she spotted those three players, plus Carlos Salcedo, Raul Jimenez, Hector Herrera, Jesus Gallardo and Marco Fabian at the gathering. There are a few factual errors in the story (like getting the city of the training base incorrect - also the players apparently arrived at the spot before I got back from the Azteca, but they probably didn't have to fight traffic), but there’s little reason to doubt that there was a gathering that women came to. There’s only one red Solo cup picture implying there was alcohol, but it doesn't take a big leap to think there was more.

It’s hard to get too riled up about it, though, unless you really want to. These are consenting adults doing what they choose with their day off. These are grown men who have jobs choosing what to do with their free time. If players want to party together or hire what admittedly seems like an abnormally high quantity of escorts, it’s ultimately their right to do so.

That’s not to say ‘boys will be boys’ or condone anyone’s behavior. It was a foolish thing to do knowing the country’s eyes are on you and hopes rest with you. Many commentators have pointed out that some of the players are married. Of course, there’s no evidence of who did what with whom. Those with wives or partners may need to have discussions with them about what happened, and it is possible for that type of off-field situation to affect on-field performance.

At the same time, what business is it of ours? The national team’s plans weren’t exactly a secret. Director of National Teams Dennis te Kloese announced them when the 28-man provisional roster was named weeks ago, saying the team would fly to Copenhagen on Sunday night to let players relax and bid farewell to their families. If the players’ partners didn’t know they’d have the night off, boy do we have a great website for them here at that will help them in the future. Record reported a few players' partners attended. Herrera will miss training Wednesday after getting permission from the coaching staff, but it's not clear if it's related.

Some did take the chance to take it easy. Chicharito reportedly went to a belated birthday dinner while Carlos Vela wisely avoided the scene after his past indiscretions. 

But those who attended acted in a way that might not be all that different to how you or I would. OK, your weekend probably didn’t involve 30 members of the opposite sex. Mine didn’t. But maybe you watched a few games and drank a few beverages. Maybe you’ve even done something similar during the week and knocked back one too many beers knowing your performance at work the next day would suffer. It would be one thing if this were the night before the World Cup beginning, but this was immediately after a friendly and a plane trip with no training session for a day. Athletes are humans. Sometimes they make bad choices. These decisions don't look to have harmed anyone.

The Mexican federation actually deserves credit for how it’s handling the situation - or rather how it’s not making a fuss about it.

“The day off is a day off. Those are the risks you run with giving freedom,” said Guillermo Cantu, the Secretary General of the Mexican Federation, during Liga MX meetings in Cancun. “Really, it’s not about whether we like it or not, we simply have to make it very clear that they didn’t miss any training session or squad meetings.”

Rafa Marquez reportedly gave the players involved a stern talking too, and in truth that seems like the right ‘punishment.’ Be smarter. Don’t cause a scene, and don’t make things any harder on us than they already are.

Some people tried to strike a middle ground, saying they didn’t mind players having a good time but two weeks before the first World Cup match was too soon. So when is a party OK? Should they have done it after the Wales game with another match quickly approaching? When they arrived together in Mexico City?

The reality is that as much as people want to turn this into a scandal or condemn the players, Mexico is no closer or further to getting to the fifth game than they were Saturday morning. The real news that broke Tuesday that will go toward Mexico achieving its goals or not was that boring ol’ bit about Reyes returning to training.

Sex may sell, and we love reading about who is or isn’t having it before the World Cup, but defense (and offense and midfield play) wins championships.

Jon Arnold

Jon Arnold Photo

Jon Arnold covered the Mexico national team and Concacaf region in English for Goal until March 2020. His byline also has appeared in the Dallas Morning News, the New York Times Goal blog, FloFC and Pacific Standard. In addition to his written work, he serves as the Concacaf expert on the BBC's World Football Phone-In and has appeared on SiriusXMFC in English and Fox Deportes and Milenio in Spanish. Formerly based in Tijuana and currently living in Texas, Jon covered the 2018 World Cup, the 2015 Copa America, the 2016 Copa America Centenario and the last five Gold Cups.