Former marketing head levels corruption accusation against FAM

Zulhilmi Zainal

Former marketing head levels corruption accusation against FAM image

BY        ZULHILMI ZAINAL       Follow on Twitter

A former Malaysian FA (FAM) employee has claimed that corruption is rampant in the association, in an open letter he wrote and published on his social media account on Wednesday.

Sayf Ismail, who was employed as the association's Head of Marketing & Social Responsibility from July 2014 to November 2016, addressed his letter to the yet-to-be-decided FAM's new president.

It is worth noting that on Thursday afternoon, one of the two presidential candidates; Tan Sri Annuar Musa announced his withdrawal from the FAM election set to be held this Saturday, leaving JDT FC owner Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim the only candidate for the post.

In his letter, Sayf urged the new FAM president to focus on a few key aspects of the association's running in order to improve it, such as its coaches, its secretariat, the national team and league organiser Football Malaysia LLP.

But most tellingly, Saif began his letter with his claim of corruption within the association.

The former FAM employee accused the association of hiding behind FIFA's insistence for its national affiliates to be independent from government interference, in order to shield itself from corruption investigations, and urged the new president to audit FAM's expenditures from three years ago.

"There is no subtle way to say it, but corruption is rampant in FAM. To send a strong message I would advise an independent financial audit of FAMs expenditure for the past 3 years. You will quite easily find the many instances of abuse of power in awarding contracts, overpaying for services, unnecessary and excessive expenditure. The fact is that the culture of corruption has been so rampant that the attempt to cover up is only done in a ‘Semi-Pro’ manner.

FAM has been hiding behind the threat of a FIFA suspension should there be government intervention in the form of a MACC investigation. What the general public doesn’t know is that FIFA would welcome an investigation by MACC if a Member Association (MA) is suspected of corruption and will not suspend the MA as it views it as a move towards good governance.
So please Sir, commission an Audit and once you find the holes do call in the MACC. FIFA will not suspend us. This move would send out a strong message to all that the future of Malaysian football is one that is free of corruption."

The rest of the post can be read here.

Although Tunku Ismail is the only name left in the presidential contest, other FAM posts are still up for grabs and the congress will be held this Saturday, March 25.


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Zulhilmi Zainal