FMLLP to control presence of player agents beginning next season

Zulhilmi Zainal

FMLLP to control presence of player agents beginning next season image

BY        ZULHILMI ZAINAL       Follow on Twitter

M-League organiser Football Malaysia LLP (FMLLP) has announced that beginning in 2018 it will control the presence of player agents in the Malaysian domestic competitions.

The body made the announcement on Wednesday through social media, citing the need to stem the signing of subpar foreign players who are represented by these agents.

"The presence of sub par import players that do not meet the expectations and aspirations of Malaysian League stakeholders, including the teams and fans, coupled with continuous injury problems, is an area of grave concern for Football Malaysia LLP.

"After some research, it was found out that this is mainly due to the unregulated presence of unscrupulous agents who recommended players lacking in quality to the teams," the post announced.

FMLLP will take a number of steps to curtail the presence of these agents, it added.

"To resolve this, FMLLP will review the list of current import player agents to ensure that only qualified and credible agents are allowed to be actively operating in the Malaysian league.

"This matter will be discussed with FAM to garner the support and backing required to eliminate rogue agents from the Malaysian League once and for all. Recommended actions will include ensuring that agents are named in the players' contracts so that agents will continue to be responsible for the player even after a contract is signed with a team."

Zulhilmi Zainal