FMLLP to reward fan loyalty at Malaysia Cup final

Zulhilmi Zainal

FMLLP to reward fan loyalty at Malaysia Cup final image

BY        ZULHILMI ZAINAL       Follow on Twitter

M-League organiser Football Malaysia LLP (FMLLP) has announced its plan to reward loyal fans at the Malaysia Cup final match, by prioritising them for the match ticket purchase.

On Wednesday evening, the organisation posted on its social media that fans who attend all four quarter and semi-final matches (home and away) involving their teams will be able to purchase a final match tiket from a priority counter, if their team make it to the final.

According to the announcement, one priority counter will each be opened in the state the finalist team are based in.

"The requirements needed by fans to buy the final ticket at this counter are to have purchased the 2017 Malaysia Cup quarter-final (home and away) and semi-final (home and away) tickets, and all four tickets must be produced at the counter. Each supporter is only allowed to purchase one (1) ticket, and the four (4) previous tickets will be marked to avoid fraud.

"Complimentary and sponsor tickets, season passes and invitation cards WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED as prrof of purchase."

However, those who do not have all four semi and quarter-final tickets can still purchase their final match ticket using the conventional method; by queueing up at the general counters or by purchasing them online.

Apart from the priority counter, FMLLP will also be engaging the fans further for the final match, by inviting their representatives to the pre-match coordination meetings.

"Representatives of official fan clubs and their ultras will be invited to a special meeting with FMLLP and the finalists teams, to observe the transparency of the final tickets' allocation process. This special meeting will be held before the Match Co-ordination Meeting, two weeks before the final match," noted FMLLP in the announcement.

Zulhilmi Zainal